You are right Steve; Its just so frustrating to see why the investors are not jumping into the boat with us longs. Why cant they see the obvious-- that this company is for the keeps and has an exceptionally bright future. And that the CEO will fulfill his vision and that we will se $ 1 in not distant a future. WHY CANT THE ONES SITTING ON THE SIDELINES SEE THE OBVIOUS? They just go by the revnues. this bothers a me--hence my comment... thats all. i AM in for the long haul.
Just one point-- you dont have to answer this-- Why not speak to Mark Cuban. if he comes in so will hundreds of investors too. he is a huge name; hios entry will be like ENDORSING the fcat that ICPA is a HUGE WINNER. Cuban ---who I believe is your buddy ---- can turn the complexion of the game. I see 10 cents pps only with his advent. It will be like Neil Armstrong's words-- one small step( investment) for Cuban but a giant leap for ICPA!