Looks like Geico better fork out $500,000.00 owed to our friend Dr. Scheer!
Geez... Geico trying to get out of paying viable claims... that's a NEW one! NOT !!!!
Dr. Scheer can go ahead deposit those funds from Geico directly into the the new ETF modeled BDC!!! (OFND)
Upon completion, OFND will be a wholly owned subsidiary of ORION DHC, Inc. (OTC: OODH). The 10,000,000 shares issued under this share exchange agreement will be issued as noted under Rule 145. During the week of October 28 th , OFND intends to file its Notice of Intent with the SEC in order to be regarded as a Business Development Company (BDC). Shortly after completion of this filing, OFND will complete its audit and file the required N-54a with the SEC. Once approved, OFND will file Form 1-e with the SEC in order to place $5,000,000.00 under the Form 1-e exemption.
"At G3, we are committed to working with quality companies that have viable business plans and that are poised to benefit from the BDC structure for their existing projects. The OFND BDC subsidiary will be well positioned to assist the parent company's rapidly expanding company operations. ORION DHC is a perfect candidate for the BDC structure as they currently have multiple operating sectors with several businesses ready to be rolled out as dividends to the OODH shareholders," stated Dr. Scheer, CEO of G3
Chairman & CEO of ORION DHC, Inc., Mr. Randy Hoff , comments on the acquisition, "Our shareholders will be delighted to know that careful thought has been taken by our firm (OODH) as well as by Dr. Scheer's newly acquired firm Gemini Group Global Corp. in the structuring of the ORION DHC FUNDING, INC (OFND). The design of this fidelity bonded BDC is to ensure shareholders are further protected from dilutive instruments in furtherance of increased shareholder value over the long-term- it mimics an ETF in many ways. The benefits to a holding company such as ours, especially during periods of exponential expansion, are tremendous, primarily in business development, with an enhanced effect of reducing opportunity costs on many levels."