About 10 shiploads a year might be decent compensation as you say.
Silao is in the south central part of Mexico -not sure the city copied here on the map-a long drive from CWRN's mine.
"Nippon Steel plans on importing raw materials from Japan and the U.S", which esp re importing from Japan seems counterintuitive to establishing a Mexico plant, just as u mentioned grajekk re the US shipping coal to China when that coal could be used to run U.S. iron etc furnaces.
Dont know what raw materials they mean but Japan is generally resource poor and had to be imperialist w a wide resource Pacific theatre capture area, considering Japan is only 145,000 sq miles w 127 million people, smaller than Calif (163,700 sg mi) and Montana (147,000 sq miles).
One of the pre-WW2 reasons Japan considered the USA a threat was the increasing US Pacific theatre presence in what Japan considered IT's vital resource capture area. So I dont even know if Japan has native iron if thats what they mean by importing raw resources. Until the April 13 2012 CWRN PR re Baosteels involvement Nippon etc might not have known there was iron in Baja.
Has anybody researched where the Mexican iron mines are?
The real unemployment rate in Mexico is ca 40%?