I dont know how the DOW etc got as high as it did-for I have looked at thousands of stocks-5 to 100/per day- penny AND bluechip and havent been able to find one to profit on in the last year-(analysts i trusted most said to sell apple after Steve Jobs resigned and quickly died for he wasnt just CEO but the rare creative genius behind apples products and 3rd world where apple would have to increasingly get its profit would not be willing to pay a premium of $400/phone etc for apple products when 400/year might be a typical income-yet the market seemed to celebrate his death).You know last i looked the average price of a house in the world was only 6000-PERSPECTIVE.
Inability to find a rising stock has been especially true of pennies in last year due to imo politicized doj /sec greenlighting otc/dtc/brokers etc to target low priced pennies and an unbelievable rise of shorting and shorters attacks against EVERY company they short.
So, PERSPECTIVE- ALL pennies I've seen have been falling-nobody has been able to point out to me one bucking this trend despite my asking people if they know of any.
Another typical trend is the low volume and thus depressed pps typically associated w the dog days of summer-which officially ended today-because this is a 3 day holiday- labor day weekend in U.S, official end of summer-where people have been on vacation or not otherwise playing the market much.
People return to the market after Labor Day weekend which improves the buy sell ratio.
I consider the day before labor day weekend to be the worst market day for pennies and thus dread it-typically the day before any 3 day plus holiday is typically bad for pennies as people sell some to pay for holiday activities and raiders often take advantage of such holidays.
At university professors would fall out of their chairs saying I understood in minutes what it took a year to teach -but I have not been able to figure out the stockmarket -I cant find the logic. E.g walmart recently beat its revenue and pps expectations handsomely and so pps plummets 2.30 in one day. On same day another blue chip terribly failed expectations and had a horrible unexpected quarterly loss-so pps jumped like crazy-no logic.
Often its sell on news whether news is good or bad as people play these things-both pennies and blue chips- like a promo, instead of playing the logic of value. Others chase dividends and then immediately sell after the ex div date so only those who sell 1st profit from that strategy as pps immediately falls because co is worth less after issuing dividends.
Seems to me the only longs who profit most of the time are insiders-who have days foreknowledge of a good event-for I often wonder why a stock is climbing rapidly without any news etc and then days later the news comes-but since its often sell on good news also, even if one had insider knowledge I would be afraid to play it for I cant figure out when they are going to sell or buy on good news.
The only other situation where one can logically profit-and the reason I'm in CWRN -is to find an undiscovered undervalued stock on cusp of a production/operational breakthrough- as CWRN did in early 2011-but then shorters fraudulently shouted promo when there was no promo anywhere near that time in order to block new buyers;
those who might have had insider knowledge of a longtime before 2nd ship sold ca 700 million shares (thats what really dropped pps) publicly bragging about their 100 fold profit,
dtc games began Mar 2011,
Penson games began summer 2011 and other brokers have gradually followed suit.
These were never before seen situations that nobody predicted nor could predict-Bob and I and others looked into those situations many hours- it took some time to figure what was going on -no precedent, and despite many hours figuring this and looking for answers nobody could find any easy answers/shortcuts out of the situation- which is why we are still here at this classification going thru the laborious (for these pennies) task of uplisting.
It does take pennies 1.5 to 2 plus years to uplist from ce to OTCBB-see seny and it even takes current class pennies 1-2 years to uplist.
example of last year-1 yr or more ago analysts were heavily advising CLF-(iron and coal) which was at 85 pps and said it would go to 125 pps- well its ca 36 pps (coal has really been hurt -is being phased out in USA under current admin). Thats how most blue chips I have watched have gone and I've watched more blue chips than pennies. Somebody told me u can never fail w McDonalds- but I saw it was overvalued at $100 pps and sure enough it retrenched to ca 85 just after it was recommended to me-its been that way w just about every blue I've seen.
When a buyout is imminent supercomputers in blues and traders in pennies immediately take out all the profit w the pps rising to the buyout price very fast.
I've laboriously gone thru the nasdaq myself to find ANYTHING steadily climbing and when I find a rare such stock it inexplicably reverses the trend and starts falling longterm-probability anyone? I'm sure others feel they've experienced the same. Fortunately I rarely buy unless I watch and "understand " a stock for a long time- the logic of the market seems to have left the room in what seemingly has become a highly illogical market -w experts regularly taking opposite side on every issue on same day-and w blues there are so many macroeconomic factors like Europe w wild vacillations that cant be predicted.
So almost all pennies have fallen in last year due to these unprecedented attacks on pinks especially but all pennies-even the ones that werent trade for trade or ce etc-
but in EVERY penny stock the knee jerk reaction of traders is ALWAYS to blame the company. As I've said EVERY company and every person makes mistakes-even the blue chips-but CWRN like most pennies has had to deal w an unprecedented onslaught of manipulation since March 2011.
Which of course is why they have been planning to uplist as per May 26 2011 PR to escape some of these games to give market forces a chance to take over again as they did in Jan 2011 when CWRN pps was rising 85%/day.
How else can anyone explain why this was over 3c before 1st ship -before ANY income-and now w a probable 12 mill net income total is at .0011? which assumes without grabbing my calc an income of only ca 300 thousand at a PE of 15 (I figure pennies illogically average a SPECULATIVE PE of ca 50 before any income).