First and most importantly I would like to assure you that I post here every day nearly every hour of the day, not because I am paid, nor do I work for any so called competitor or slighted promoter. No I am here because it is my moral duty to warn all and any who will listen to avoid these penny scam companies like SKTO. Yes sense March I have said that it would be suspended, halted, shut down because of its past and present players. Now I know that Hipple has been suspended and yes I know that even when he was a major player in this company, it never did get suspend, but it will this time. You should trust me. I was sure it would happen in March, April, May, June, July, Aug, Sep. and Oct. but even if it never does, it is my duties to continue to mention that it might, for I believe these are the catch word and phrases that will scare any newbie and / or some skittish investor from placing their hard earn money’s in to this very risky OTC market and in particularly SKTO and anything associated with them. You should trust my real DD on all the past suspicious behavior of this stock. It will be Suspended soon, and if not, well I will continue to mention it because…………………………………………………THAT IS WHAT I DO.
I'm invested here........................................................are "U"