Hollund's blog post speaks of a "special someone" who can communicate the benefits of underwater logging and reservoir remediation to the entire world, and in so doing spark greater interest in this fledgling industry (paraphrasing).
Let's consider what this could mean for a moment.
If someone of stature (not company related) begins talking about underwater logging and how it might benefit the world, then press will be generated in the form of articles and news shows. Also, if this person is politically connected, perhaps lawmakers will stand up and take notice as well. Now if this "special someone" is also a businessman with resources of his own, perhaps investment funds will flow directly from this person. Will Hollund Industrial Marine and the TigerLynk be mentioned? We don't know. But what if they are? How could this benefit those of us invested?
Many investors are unaware of underwater logging, and those few who are aware see only small scale success stories to date. Yet no one at present has the TigerLynk technology advantage. One can find countless news articles speaking of the wealth of timber resources buried beneath the waves, but few companies can harvest more than one or two trees per day.
Remember when OTC attempted to promote HIMR? I don't remember the exact number anymore, but hundreds of thousands showed up for the show. Unfortunately, that show had problems, and share conversions dumped all over that promo. The result, our current no bid situation. But if Mister Hayward has now struck a deal to eliminate the bulk of his Class C shares, the next PR surge could be dramatic. This is something we all want to see.
Now, if definitive news confirming the acquisition of Hollund's first concession is PRed as well, all the better.
I suspect this blog post is a hint of things to come. I personally view this blog post as a primer suggesting to investors they should listen up because the news is about to come.