It does not matter that the flippers are getting in and out for small percentage gains or losses right now and that they represent most of the volume in the stock. The true value and growth for longs will come in time once the overall market realizes how positive are the fundamentals in RFMK. It is actually a good thing to bring up the daily volume so that there is greater liquidity and so the price remains somewhat more stable because of it. At first the added liquidity will really only come from these types of traders using the flipping in and out strategies. These are the same people who should know if they don't already that the con with their strategies is that if on any day in the coming weeks the larger money comes pouring into this stock and the overall market jumps on the bandwagon and there is a massive push higher then those flippers and quick traders will probably miss the move because they are in one day and out the next so chances are they will be forced to chase at higher and higher stock prices. If that is fine with them then so be it but its a risky strategy in my view, but what do I know?? The other thing to note is that because of the trade for trade restriction, (which has still not been rectified by management), only cash can be traded for settled shares and settled shares for cash. For those with margin accounts the shares they buy can be settled at midnight of that day so they will be settled for the next days trading session, however for those with cash accounts it typically takes about three days for the shares to settle. This means that no trader of flipper is able to trade intraday of whom uses a brokerage which is a participant of the DTC, those traders and flippers are only able to trade in one day and out the next if they margin accounts and the rest have to trade on a multiple day periodicity. In my view this tells me that at least half of the volume on any given day is just caused by MMs playing around with the ticker to game retail cash traders. Looking at the massive daily short sale volume lately it is apparent that there are mutiple market makers colluding to manipulate this stock. The only real solution is to either get off of the pink sheets exchange and/or begin having the stock trade with much greater intraday volumes, like over 100M. Until then, this stock will be manipulated to the highest order which only means further psyche games by the MMs, nothing more, which means the stock is not going anywhere for quite some time unless the intraday volume grows at some point to be higher than the overall capital that the MMs are willing to gamble on manipulating the stock each day.