100 points would not influence a Fed decision on QE 3. The S&P is at it's highest level since 2008. There will be no QE announced because there is no need for it at this point using the markets as a barometer. After the markets sell hard, I'm talking about S&P going under 1,000 before the year's end, then Bernake will have a reason to use the QE 3 cannon.
There has never been a free market, however there are varying degrees of freedom and I support minimal market interventionism and minimal taxes. Direct market intervention, as evidenced by the existence of the Federal Reserve, is unsustainable as they are deliberately distorting the price signals that the market is giving.
If not for QE 1, 2, 2.5, and all the other rate cuts from 1998 onward, market priced interest rates would have been and would currently be much higher. Interest rates, in addition to being the cost of capital, are also supposed to price in the risk of the credit quality. It's hard to credit bubble with Paul Volker era interest rates, which is what the market would likely have priced things at probably as early as 2001.