FSNN statement on reasons to approve $26M acquisition
Formed in 1997, Fusion is a provider of Internet Protocol ("1P") based digital voice and data communications services to corporations and carriers worldwide. Fusion's services include local, long distance, and international Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP")
services and other enhanced communications services and features. Currently, Fusion does not hold authorization to provide intrastate telecommunications services in any state, but is authorized by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to provide
interstate and international telecommunications services.
Fusion is managerially, technically, and financially well-qualified to complete the
Transactions. As noted above, Fusion has provided voice and data communications
services since 1997. For additional detail on the financial and managerial qualifications
of Fusion, please see www.fusiontel.com. In addition, the key management of NBS will
remain with NBS and continue to manage the day-to-day operations of company with
additional support from Fusion's experienced management team. Following the
Transactions, therefore, NBS will continue to have the managerial, technical and
financial qualifications to provide high quality telecommunications services to consumers
in Connecticut supported by experienced Fusion management and Fusion's financial