I seriously doubt that the US Patent office will ever be giving out new patents to any corporations of whom apply for a patent for a design which merely adds on or alters the vaporizer technology in some way. The US Patent examiners seem to think that the new designs are "obvious" extensions off of the base patents already in existence for atomization, cartomizationĀ and vaporization. Just look at the documents for the Final Rejection of SFIO's patent application, and their device was truly revolutionary, using a totally different internal architecture. It's not all bad because this would mean that none of the companies out there will probably ever get a patent for a new vaporizer device which means that there is room for any vaporizer product or company to compete in the sector without being sued on patent infringement. However, they could still get sued by Dragonite, (DGTLF), as they are the only ecig company that holds the US Patent for the internal atomization technology. It looks like it is going to be a tough competitive market for ecigs into the distant future. The primary game will be how innovative your products are so as to get recognition by consumers, how grand is the exposure, how large is the marketing campaign and how grand is the distribution network.
At least the PR today outlines what is about everything RFMK could do to protect their innovation besides the addition of a trademark which we have already seen they have done. The HexCorp contract is just another brick in the laying of the foundation, its a positive but nothing to get over-hyped about. At least working with HexCorp has shown the bashers that RFMK's ecig is not just another re-branded Chinese knock-off generic ecig, it came from working with HexCorp to build a new product from scratch. Trademarking the product and landing this non-compete with HexCorp is a good step but patenting the tech is another story entirely and I do not think it can or ever will happen, however that means it cannot happen for other ecig companies either so it will be to no ones disadvantage or advantage. This is why Judah's notion of RFMK's products representing a "moving target" for the competition is so critical for the success of RFMK.