The PRs and the news from the CEO via FB and Twitter are important, as related to revenues, for this reason:
You need to read the clouds to know if there is a storm coming or not. Without new affiliates being added, without the CV deal being implemented, without ongoing and growing operations- there will be no revenues, and thus nothing to report on upcoming financials.
IF there is a growing number of affiliates for PunchTV, then there has to be a revenue stream being generated. For each new affiliate, that's a new revenue stream. Have costs increased because of adding affiliates? Do the revenues outweigh the costs? Well, if so, that's called profits and that is what will show on the financials.
Open communication from management tell us of new and growing revenue streams. Management would do a disservice to us, to try to guess what those would be. AND at this point, they are still in the infant stages of growth.
Let's get a growing for PunchTV. That will result in larger marketshare, and that leads to more advertisers, which in turn leads to higher revenues. Open up new markets and it starts to grow exponentially.
JMO. I'm newly invested here, so I don't know the past history of those long timers here, but I've "been there, done that" in other plays, as well. Not fun and it gets discouraging. But you're either committed to the company, or you need to find your exit. Nothing wrong with that. Your money, your game. Play it accordingly.
Best of luck all.