My rebuttal to one!
******, you don't post the actual quotes and facts!
Your quote! "As I recall Steve never called us a small company when he took shares to 1 billion. As a matter of fact he said you can't be a billion dollar co. without a billion shares of stock.
This is the real fact and quote! Then Steve answers questions about why the AS was increased late last year to 2 billion:
"Your not going to become a billion dollar company with only a 500 million AS...larger media companies have 2, 3, 4, 5 billion AS."
Your quote "Steve feeds Perchy the things that he wants you to know. "
Really, they are from public boards and steve only feeds me when he answer a question from a stock holder I send in! All info, 98% of em already posted on public boards!
Only thing I ask, is if you need to post something half truth like above, send to me first, I will send you the DD'S! That way you post the real quotes and facts!
I went through this in Jan. , same thing, I rebutted the posts of thiers with real Dd'S and facts! One gone till 2015 now!
Doing a DD of that poster said why! .01 stock to 1.83 , plus several others that went big! checked the profile, same thing half truth posts! Now you know why!
And fact, th o/s is only in Millions! Who cares what the a/s is!
O/s is what counts! It is there mostly to get key people into the company, something like the caliber of this person below!
nd, a quote from the Punch TV CEO...
["I am very excited to be involved in introducing a new genre of entertainment with, in this era of emerging technologies! I wish to share with you an opportunity to participate with a company that is making a commitment to improving the quality of broadcast television, satellite television, cable television. and internet hand-held device television. Steeped in the tradition of independent entertainment, Punch TV is opening the doors for independent producers, directors, writers, engineers, actors, affiliates, and dreamers to use their God-given gifts to create life-changing entertainment experiences."]
and from the bio page on the Punch TV site...
["Howard Messer - CPA - Chief Financial Officer
Punch Television is thrilled to have Howard Messer, CPA on board as the Chief Financial Officer for the network. Mr. Messer has extensive experience in the pubic company arena. ==> He has served as the Chief Financial Officer for a NASDAQ and American Stock Exchange listed company in the technology and service field.
Through his leadership and financial vision, those entities experienced revenue and earnings growth at rates substantially higher than their peer group. Their market cap increase from $10,000,000 to over $500,000,000."]... yea baby !!!
I ask you... how in the world can this be a 1-cent company ???
Here why, wants shares free and knows the stocks gonna go big! Oh yeah, also my bank wire went through! GLTA!
Now that is the FUTURE of Direction! It is a GOLD MINE!