LCAT on the Icrud board you PM'ed me asking my opine of the Lavito Bros.
!st Florida is, has been a haven for stock scammers. IHub, as you've posted, is also a haven for stock scammers along with what I used to refer to as "boiler room PUMPERS". On the occasion one of those idiots forget which alias belongs to which mac address "we" catch said alias! ROFLOL.
Ihub and many net chat rooms can be corrupt, I've been an investor, trader and day trader since 1998. I've seen most "Tricks", this GDSM is laughable along with the Ihub boiler room mentality. The censorship is criminal. Hell sakes, I signed with Ihub 1st in 2000 and supported Mats efforts, I got caught up in a situation as you did, but I was deigned my "Grandfather" status, go figure. I hope Mat is still in the slammer and struggles with disgorgement.
So, the short answer, i.e. the lovito bros are a dime a dozen. Does the name Michael Zwebner mean anything to ya?
Stay in the good fight!