Here my advice, if you like to recoop the money, since you said a third, cash out when you get to .035, recover investment, leave the rest ride then, only a suggestion, it will get there, but for me, I keep mine in, cause of wha I know about where it is going! It is a rareity finding a company that is this godd, real company with areal q with revenues in Feb. nov will be so,so but I'm looking forward to the annual and q1 reports! As you know today the game IMO has change a little! Cause of what me and other longs and short term investors did last week!
We took alot of shares away last week, I was waiting for them, popped it up there, knew there were no shares there, so I canceled then seen the movement, then put my order back out, only 200,000 got filled at .0086, the rest were .0083 and .0084, no .0085, then posted, right away he dropped it again selling his shares lower hoping to fear investors into selling, other investors jumped on it! He then sold more lower and IMO rebought his shares or in collussion with another! Might have been team work, but another investor got em! The price seems more stable today! if they try again, I will grab em! I don't put my orders up anymore and leave it there, cause IMO, they plan it around what they see on L2! I got then 3 times in last two weeks! GLTY and all! It will fly, just a matter of time!