Unfortunately, there is no timeframe to cover naked shorts. Our financial system has become one where most of the OTC shares in your account are considered 'share entitlements'. These are basically IOUs. The MMs never cover as the injection of millions of shares (down under the BS of adding liquidity into the market place) are simply viewed as a buy order with a check attached to it. I could go on forever, but this is the main reason that most shareholder meetings held always have more shares voted that were issued. Every board on iScam will have a shitbag liar or two that will aggressively try to negate this and submit an explanation showing a legal short from a link here or there. We aren't talking about a legal short though. A company has to become a capital company before the crooks will ever cover. And they'll only cover when they no longer find it profitable to stay short. In the case of MPIX, this will happen once the company becomes a capital company. Until then, the shitbags will post 14/7 on the various scam sites out there and the crooks will stay short and continue to sell air until a company is virtually 'diluted' into a bankruptcy or a R/S.
Keep your eyes on MDMN as the company will shortly become a capital company. As the crooks cover gradually, the scammers will continue to claim that there was never a short. A forensic shareholder count definitely has proven that there's a huge NSS within the share structure of MDMN. A twelve to fourteen year 'bear attack' by the crooks in selling 100s of millions of shares short. Interesting that during a this share count, the largest 33 shareholders already held the entire OS of MDMN back in 2009 when the count was made. And that count included statements and certs. It's estimated that MDMN had more than 1.5 bil shares in the 'float' at the time of the count yet only 640 mil were in the OS at the time. During the Shareholder Meeting in Feb this year, we had just under 400 shareholders who attended with 1.1 billion shares voted. There were over 2500 shareholders at that time.
Now you have a very basic understanding of why every board on the scam sites have the liars working aggressively to destroy most every OTC emerging company. And the best part is that since most of these small companies never make it, none of the illegal nss structure is ever covered thereby making it a tax free event as none of those positions are ever closed. Who says crime doesn't pay. Many Wall Street crooks and the dirty offshore hedgies would never agree with you. But they are well organized, very smart, and very well funded. It's been going on for almost 30 years. Interesting how 16 of the 17 self regulating organizations, such as the SEC, are all funded from fees and commissions generated by Wall Street. Hmmm, no wonder why this practice of 'share entitlements' rarely results in a conviction. But when it does, such as the settlement of UBS in Dec, they write a check for $1.75 mil after 5 years of naked shorting. The estimates of that crime run into the tens of millions. But they settle, without admitting guilt, and the SEC gets to declare that they 'nailed' a bad guy. I'd laugh, but it is really disgusting.
Now don't get me wrong, many of these penny stocks are a bunch of share selling machines. But a lot of them are driven out of business after they've been attacked endlessly by the nss criminals.