78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
83145 |
Here's the Time employee (3) |
dogsgetwings |
05/09/2024 3:32:58 PM |
83144 |
We should get updates from him concerning his (3) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 3:32:26 PM |
83142 |
It only takes 1 to come true and then some may (3) |
wrenchman |
05/09/2024 3:31:35 PM |
83141 |
Site below says he paid a web design company, (12) |
Chiro2019 |
05/09/2024 3:22:34 PM |
83140 |
Wellness RX, Time Organization and Univec (4) |
SFLsparky |
05/09/2024 3:21:53 PM |
83139 |
It probably isn't costing Dalton a dime. It's a (4) |
911$ |
05/09/2024 3:18:32 PM |
83138 |
WELLNESS RX WEBSITE: Medication Assisted (10) |
Chiro2019 |
05/09/2024 3:04:48 PM |
83137 |
The twits are just all pissed off that we still (9) |
MLR_Lite |
05/09/2024 2:59:19 PM |
83135 |
Yep we are hoping for a Hail Mary (3) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 2:33:52 PM |
83134 |
Or have his grandson tweak it (4) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 2:30:57 PM |
83133 |
The bashers, the pumpers, and everyone's feelings (14) |
Chiro2019 |
05/09/2024 2:28:27 PM |
83132 |
Why bother tweaking the website for no reason? (2) |
Common sense |
05/09/2024 2:21:00 PM |
83131 |
I will give you some credit you are correct .. (3) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 2:01:16 PM |
83130 |
At first I did agree with you that I was not (10) |
UNVC$$$ |
05/09/2024 1:38:40 PM |
83128 |
I do find it sort of surreal that after 5-6 years (4) |
SFLsparky |
05/09/2024 11:07:01 AM |
83127 |
Without Amazon but adding subs( if they are real) (2) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 10:05:16 AM |
83126 |
Just give me .10 just .10 (4) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 9:56:39 AM |
83125 |
The website is ok .. it doesnt scream big (3) |
armyseal |
05/09/2024 9:52:39 AM |
83123 |
Docs got big plans. Slapped the ask while (5) |
SFLsparky |
05/09/2024 9:45:07 AM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
83121 |
The Founding of Mother's Day edit Andrews (2) |
wrenchman |
05/09/2024 7:51:13 AM |
83120 |
Philadelphia is known as the City of Brotherly (2) |
Brother |
05/09/2024 6:28:46 AM |
83119 |
Could it be TIME? Just posting what I see all do (5) |
wrenchman |
05/09/2024 6:02:30 AM |
83118 |
Website is back like others stated and I checked (12) |
Chiro2019 |
05/09/2024 12:00:09 AM |
83116 |
I don't expect the phone or any other connection (8) |
MLR_Lite |
05/08/2024 8:38:02 PM |
83115 |
Website has added a few wrinkles ..interesting (1) |
armyseal |
05/08/2024 8:34:35 PM |
83114 |
Yes. Changes were made. I tried the phone (4) |
SFLsparky |
05/08/2024 8:29:13 PM |
83113 |
Has more info under services than it ever has (8) |
MLR_Lite |
05/08/2024 8:19:42 PM |
83112 |
Website is back...still non-functioning. Grabbed (3) |
SFLsparky |
05/08/2024 7:44:44 PM |
83111 |
Wow! I see a few things in this article we have (9) |
Vintool |
05/08/2024 2:16:14 PM |
83110 |
Yeah, hear you, if I sold at .16 would have made (1) |
tigerjohnni64 |
05/08/2024 1:46:48 PM |
83109 |
Agreed. I don't think I've added in well over a (1) |
StockSucker |
05/08/2024 11:12:03 AM |
83108 |
Somebody has been sucking up the 54/55s the (4) |
armyseal |
05/08/2024 10:19:38 AM |
83107 |
Lets play raise the bid game (1) |
armyseal |
05/08/2024 9:50:20 AM |
83106 |
Interesting. Good eye Vin. Im adding to the (3) |
SFLsparky |
05/08/2024 7:58:59 AM |
83105 |
I would not invest more especially with no (7) |
tigerjohnni64 |
05/08/2024 7:58:51 AM |
83104 |
I see the Univec website is down this morning. (4) |
Vintool |
05/08/2024 7:33:03 AM |
83103 |
The DE has been talking the talking since 2019 (4) |
armyseal |
05/07/2024 4:44:25 PM |
83102 |
Wow 30K .I agree many are hoping that our (5) |
armyseal |
05/07/2024 4:35:20 PM |
83101 |
If you listen to the "spark" interview all that (4) |
05/07/2024 4:18:20 PM |
83100 |
Excellent. The DE will need to line up some (4) |
SFLsparky |
05/07/2024 4:07:26 PM |
83099 |
I hope to one day regret not buying at these (2) |
StockSucker |
05/07/2024 3:59:19 PM |
83098 |
Whomever is supporting the 5s (2) |
armyseal |
05/07/2024 3:50:29 PM |
83097 |
Wow impressive you have been here 13 years, |
armyseal |
05/07/2024 3:50:09 PM |
83095 |
More on the Dream Exchange. I don't remember if (10) |
LVgliders |
05/07/2024 3:33:34 PM |
83093 |
Grabbed a few more shares myself today. Jobs keep (6) |
SFLsparky |
05/07/2024 2:16:58 PM |
83088 |
Yes I'll hit my target total in a few weeks then (3) |
Charter2024 |
05/06/2024 4:14:39 PM |
83086 |
That is true to a point. Most everybody thats (5) |
SFLsparky |
05/06/2024 1:01:35 PM |
83084 |
Crazy volume so far today..cough, cough. Kind (3) |
SFLsparky |
05/06/2024 10:57:35 AM |
83081 |
to add, like clockwork, Dalton does his usual pre (5) |
armyseal |
05/05/2024 7:51:15 PM |