78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
5905 |
Took another 500K at 23. In fact I have bids all (2) |
armyseal |
03/20/2019 3:47:38 PM |
5904 |
Majority of Americans support legalization: (1) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/20/2019 3:36:49 PM |
5903 |
We know Harvest is involved with our group of (1) |
Kgem |
03/20/2019 1:58:38 PM |
5902 |
article (1) |
BudLightyr |
03/20/2019 1:09:29 PM |
5901 |
Wharfrat, interesting points you make. Thanks. I (1) |
Potomac |
03/20/2019 1:03:38 PM |
5900 |
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/teladoc-acquire-me |
buy4fun |
03/20/2019 12:04:25 PM |
5899 |
Great points Wharfrat! RAD shareholder meeting (3) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/20/2019 10:54:54 AM |
5898 |
wharfrat, I have been thinking the exact same (2) |
junebug |
03/20/2019 10:49:44 AM |
5897 |
Yes, and I may add that this would be HUGE for (1) |
Wharfrat |
03/20/2019 10:38:58 AM |
5896 |
Hemp farming applications soar in U.S. state of (1) |
Kgem |
03/20/2019 9:25:25 AM |
5895 |
Good Morning All UNVCers! It sounds like we had a (3) |
Kgem |
03/20/2019 9:22:26 AM |
5894 |
If I am not mistaken, the bill was sent to two |
Potomac |
03/19/2019 9:35:51 PM |
5893 |
Safe Banking on the agenda (finally): (1) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/19/2019 9:20:04 PM |
5892 |
many say all aboard $unvc to $5+ (1) |
Protostar |
03/19/2019 8:41:57 PM |
5891 |
That's when you say O ver |
SlimPickun |
03/19/2019 8:26:25 PM |
5890 |
SAFE BANKING ACT UPDATE...... Cheetah Man Iowa (3) |
Wharfrat |
03/19/2019 8:12:56 PM |
5889 |
Congratulations to all you unvc'ers $unvc toooo (1) |
megarnova |
03/19/2019 7:54:20 PM |
5888 |
Congratulations junebug, I'm sure there has been |
toodles |
03/19/2019 6:55:12 PM |
5887 |
Sadly the CEO "over there" is not as honest as |
mikeyt1818 |
03/19/2019 4:43:06 PM |
5886 |
Thanks bro. Good luck to us |
mikeyt1818 |
03/19/2019 4:41:32 PM |
5885 |
Thanks !!! |
junebug |
03/19/2019 3:22:39 PM |
5884 |
Happy Anniversary to you and your |
Potomac |
03/19/2019 3:13:36 PM |
5883 |
A Happy Birthday to your wife! (1) |
Potomac |
03/19/2019 3:12:11 PM |
5882 |
Anyone else see the O board and PPS? |
BudLightyr |
03/19/2019 2:29:16 PM |
5880 |
mikeyt, BTW, today is my wife and I anniversary. (1) |
junebug |
03/19/2019 10:24:57 AM |
5879 |
Thanks guys! Exciting day for the wife and I. Now (2) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/19/2019 9:10:47 AM |
5878 |
Happy Birthday Mrs. Mikeyt with many more to (1) |
toodles |
03/19/2019 8:22:05 AM |
5877 |
Happy birthday Mrs. Mikeyt! (1) |
jrt03 |
03/19/2019 7:23:34 AM |
5876 |
Today is Mrs. mikeyt big 40 birthday-lets flood (1) |
junebug |
03/19/2019 7:12:50 AM |
5874 |
Thanks bro! Good to see you. Dr Dalton is the (3) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/18/2019 7:13:37 PM |
5873 |
And, congrats to Mikeyt1818 for most viewed post (3) |
reindeer830 |
03/18/2019 4:55:11 PM |
5872 |
If the buying continues at this rate it will be (1) |
Potomac |
03/18/2019 3:41:21 PM |
5871 |
HRVSF-- +$1.164 (1) |
junebug |
03/18/2019 3:32:18 PM |
5870 |
Potomac-now up $1.043 for the day (1) |
junebug |
03/18/2019 3:00:21 PM |
5869 |
I've been following Harvest for the last few (1) |
Potomac |
03/18/2019 2:58:26 PM |
5868 |
Harvest up now almost $.90-we got a winner here |
junebug |
03/18/2019 1:50:15 PM |
5867 |
Get ready for "the next step" Dr. Dalton The next (3) |
Wharfrat |
03/18/2019 12:38:56 PM |
5866 |
Amen for Dr Dalton well |
armyseal |
03/18/2019 12:06:59 PM |
5865 |
Congratulations to Dr Dalton. A man of respect (11) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/18/2019 8:39:55 AM |
5864 |
http://www.cbs8.com/story/40140562/creator-of-jel (2) |
buy4fun |
03/17/2019 8:14:56 PM |
5863 |
Hemp Industry Outlook: Start-ups, Mergers & (2) |
Kgem |
03/17/2019 3:33:17 PM |
5862 |
You are welcome Junebug. Happy to help. The |
Kgem |
03/17/2019 3:16:32 PM |
5861 |
Kgem, thanks-not very good at this computer |
junebug |
03/17/2019 1:20:39 PM |
5860 |
Bob, well, I for one like hearing what your (1) |
junebug |
03/17/2019 1:06:44 PM |
5859 |
Good Morning All. Junebug asked me to post a |
Kgem |
03/17/2019 12:56:12 PM |
5858 |
My advisors have been bringing up Univec Inc. (2) |
BobMorgan |
03/17/2019 12:42:42 PM |
5857 |
Well howdy cousin Bob-where have you been-miss |
junebug |
03/17/2019 11:26:02 AM |
5856 |
Hello sir/cuz, Univec has an exciting story to |
BobMorgan |
03/17/2019 11:13:22 AM |
5855 |
I used to get either really excited or really (1) |
junebug |
03/17/2019 10:39:24 AM |
5854 |
Junebug, very good summary of companies and |
Kgem |
03/16/2019 8:23:42 PM |