78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
25729 |
Incredible. Im hoping I still have a chance to (1) |
TraderJoe_80 |
05/30/2020 9:03:59 PM |
25728 |
People know that the timing is now. If all goes (5) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/30/2020 8:55:49 PM |
25727 |
Almost 85,000 views today-unreal ! Any (1) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 8:53:45 PM |
25726 |
You folks in these rioting cities be safe-enough (4) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 8:17:48 PM |
25725 |
The bottom line is that Medicare is one of MANY (11) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/30/2020 6:13:12 PM |
25724 |
This post may not even apply to us-just looking (1) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 6:02:21 PM |
25723 |
I found 2 stocks-they talked about J-code (1) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 5:55:05 PM |
25722 |
Medicare approval still in the process for new (3) |
Chiro2019 |
05/30/2020 5:29:14 PM |
25721 |
Top 100 Most Viewed Boards Today Today 1. UNVC (4) |
Chiro2019 |
05/30/2020 5:06:13 PM |
25720 |
Also if Euromed is an after leg that means we (16) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/30/2020 3:11:49 PM |
25719 |
We can only guess the exact relationship between (5) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/30/2020 3:05:45 PM |
25718 |
On this Euromed website they list Doc as CEO of |
Chiro2019 |
05/30/2020 3:04:15 PM |
25717 |
Vegas, I am probably older than 99% of the (4) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 3:01:39 PM |
25716 |
Exactly! The boys have squeezed every drop of (2) |
VegasUNVC |
05/30/2020 2:43:37 PM |
25715 |
I have all the DD I need-mikey and wrench and all (2) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 2:39:36 PM |
25714 |
Mhill, agree 100%. I am at the point I will take (2) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 2:35:54 PM |
25713 |
Couldnt agree more, Vegas. With Medicare being (2) |
Mhill |
05/30/2020 2:19:18 PM |
25712 |
I agree JB, BIG TIME!! (1) |
Sewman |
05/30/2020 2:16:52 PM |
25711 |
Right now Id be perfectly happy to just get an (3) |
VegasUNVC |
05/30/2020 1:52:11 PM |
25710 |
I keep reading article after article of new, (3) |
junebug |
05/30/2020 1:41:13 PM |
25709 |
Hope the potential gains here are unprecedented, (3) |
Civicbird76 |
05/30/2020 2:16:14 AM |
25708 |
Speaking of Israel Mikey.. great news today (7) |
Mhill |
05/30/2020 2:16:13 AM |
25707 |
I will go with that option instead, Myth. Hope it (1) |
Civicbird76 |
05/30/2020 2:14:28 AM |
25706 |
Dont forget guys, Euromed is our company in (9) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/30/2020 12:58:13 AM |
25705 |
The EU deals Euromed has will blow away anything (9) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/30/2020 12:52:33 AM |
25704 |
I'm not waiting for fruition, I'm waiting for (6) |
Almost A Myth |
05/29/2020 11:52:34 PM |
25703 |
No matter if Euromed is outside the United (2) |
Civicbird76 |
05/29/2020 11:38:54 PM |
25702 |
Thanks so much for the refresher (2) |
smach |
05/29/2020 10:25:02 PM |
25701 |
Ya know, I will be happy as hell when this takes (4) |
Norwegian Rooster |
05/29/2020 10:04:36 PM |
25700 |
Mikey is the man he is the GLUE of UNVC has not (12) |
wrenchman |
05/29/2020 10:00:18 PM |
25699 |
Incredible. It is so close. I feel sorry for (4) |
TraderJoe_80 |
05/29/2020 9:39:21 PM |
25698 |
Mikey, great post! You are the man. Great DD (3) |
Norwegian Rooster |
05/29/2020 9:15:50 PM |
25697 |
Thank you for the refresher. (3) |
JaypeeW |
05/29/2020 9:13:16 PM |
25696 |
Thanks so much for that Mikey. Thats amazing. In (6) |
Chiro2019 |
05/29/2020 8:40:33 PM |
25695 |
I'm happy to report that today is my first green (7) |
JaypeeW |
05/29/2020 8:29:25 PM |
25694 |
Most longs remember this chat I had with Doc last (22) |
mikeyt1818 |
05/29/2020 8:14:24 PM |
25693 |
Thats awesome. I started doing it on my twitter (1) |
Chiro2019 |
05/29/2020 4:34:11 PM |
25692 |
So going to start spreading the word on UNVC (4) |
bspader |
05/29/2020 4:14:30 PM |
25691 |
Bammmmmm |
armyseal |
05/29/2020 3:53:40 PM |
25690 |
Thanks for getting rid of the RANCUNT post. We (2) |
Still Learning 63 |
05/29/2020 3:32:39 PM |
25689 |
A lot is out there about EuroMed's listed CEO, (5) |
DJknows |
05/29/2020 3:24:01 PM |
25687 |
Okay so bought up some more today. Thats a (1) |
bspader |
05/29/2020 2:24:19 PM |
25686 |
Nice article by Morgan Stanley on telehealth, (9) |
computerguy101 |
05/29/2020 2:05:57 PM |
25685 |
wrenchman |
05/29/2020 1:15:49 PM |
25684 |
What an amazing CEO we have in Dr Dalton. Hes (4) |
jrt03 |
05/29/2020 11:56:17 AM |
25683 |
It looks to me like there are some algos running. (5) |
Almost A Myth |
05/29/2020 11:47:35 AM |
25682 |
I don't think Doc has been this quiet since he (7) |
Biz |
05/29/2020 11:35:11 AM |
25681 |
Im not a chart guy but the 10 day chart looks (3) |
SFLsparky |
05/29/2020 11:26:59 AM |
25680 |
Rantass still posting has no shares and still (5) |
armyseal |
05/29/2020 10:33:14 AM |
25679 |
For around 1 hundred bucks Get 10,000 shares (7) |
richievortan |
05/29/2020 10:32:06 AM |