78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
21656 |
So funny he chose the name UNVCbuyer. Why not (3) |
Civicbird76 |
03/06/2020 12:53:22 AM |
21655 |
Lol! |
Norwegian Rooster |
03/05/2020 11:57:06 PM |
21654 |
Bring on the culling. Imo of (2) |
Biz |
03/05/2020 11:50:23 PM |
21653 |
He also has a a lack of reading and writing (5) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/05/2020 11:35:02 PM |
21652 |
IMO! That UNVCbuyer must be a punk ass bitch, (1) |
Norwegian Rooster |
03/05/2020 11:30:40 PM |
21650 |
From nurish.me: CoreCumin has been available on (10) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/05/2020 11:15:05 PM |
21649 |
JHB and Chaitra are both integral parts of the (7) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/05/2020 11:02:03 PM |
21648 |
I understand how some might feel the way you do, (3) |
Norwegian Rooster |
03/05/2020 10:46:41 PM |
21646 |
Rite on toddles. The "Gold Standard" and the (6) |
Norwegian Rooster |
03/05/2020 10:14:04 PM |
21645 |
This tweet keeps coming to my mind everyday:One (14) |
toodles |
03/05/2020 9:54:08 PM |
21644 |
1 other thing that I find interesting about this. (5) |
MLR_Lite |
03/05/2020 9:37:33 PM |
21643 |
IMO we need to stop making a big deal about (4) |
VegasUNVC |
03/05/2020 9:09:35 PM |
21642 |
Hopefully that time comes soon. I know I sound (2) |
Cheetah30 |
03/05/2020 8:20:12 PM |
21641 |
In 2017 HRI did $184 million in revenue In 2018 (5) |
buy4fun |
03/05/2020 8:01:43 PM |
21640 |
That is what I am certainly hoping for as well, (1) |
Civicbird76 |
03/05/2020 8:00:25 PM |
21639 |
I think it is safe to say doc would not have a (6) |
MLR_Lite |
03/05/2020 7:14:48 PM |
21638 |
Interesting Mike. $$$ UNVC $$$ (1) |
Cheetah30 |
03/05/2020 6:25:55 PM |
21636 |
Look at it this way-every month that goes by (7) |
junebug |
03/05/2020 3:07:40 PM |
21633 |
I found out the secret of the HOPEINSIDES (2) |
Biz |
03/05/2020 3:00:45 PM |
21631 |
I want my money as well, junebug, but with owning (1) |
Civicbird76 |
03/05/2020 12:28:23 PM |
21630 |
So said others on the other board resort to (3) |
BudLightyr |
03/05/2020 12:27:06 PM |
21629 |
Every UNVC shareholder will have their life (6) |
Biz |
03/05/2020 11:53:02 AM |
21628 |
Look, I have praised Doc and have blasted Doc. (12) |
junebug |
03/05/2020 11:35:55 AM |
21627 |
In a sad way it makes my day to get in a "thumbs (2) |
stebfish |
03/05/2020 11:26:56 AM |
21626 |
Been there-done that !! (1) |
junebug |
03/05/2020 11:25:19 AM |
21624 |
If you drive North over lake Pontchartrain from (1) |
stebfish |
03/05/2020 11:13:36 AM |
21623 |
Agree 100% MJ keep them coming you have had some (5) |
toodles |
03/05/2020 11:05:41 AM |
21622 |
Ever been to Lafayette, Louisiana? Now they also (1) |
junebug |
03/05/2020 11:05:03 AM |
21621 |
MJplay I have no problem reading your posts. (4) |
united4ever |
03/05/2020 11:01:30 AM |
21620 |
MJ, personally, I love reading your posts. Some (4) |
junebug |
03/05/2020 10:49:54 AM |
21619 |
Focus on the content of Team MJplay's post and (6) |
buy4fun |
03/05/2020 10:44:43 AM |
21618 |
MRMD 52 week low (nice job getting out of that (8) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/05/2020 10:37:40 AM |
21617 |
Buy the dips. (4) |
Protostar |
03/05/2020 10:36:46 AM |
21616 |
TLRY 52 week low yet again. Same for ACB (8) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/05/2020 10:31:31 AM |
21615 |
Please dont turn this into something it |
Trent1000 |
03/05/2020 10:26:00 AM |
21614 |
Definitely some interesting people on this board (5) |
03/05/2020 10:09:23 AM |
21613 |
Stock Market in dumps! Lots of fear out their! |
this2shallpass |
03/05/2020 10:00:33 AM |
21612 |
Well I agree on Team MJ and I apologized a while (2) |
wrenchman |
03/05/2020 9:55:56 AM |
21611 |
For the record I was not making fun of the post (2) |
MLR_Lite |
03/05/2020 9:48:39 AM |
21610 |
Excellent post Buy4fun. Totally agree. We may not (11) |
mikeyt1818 |
03/05/2020 9:32:24 AM |
21606 |
Do you know the speed of internet in Africa ? Do (8) |
buy4fun |
03/05/2020 9:01:22 AM |
21605 |
Hope our day to prosper is nearly here, and we (2) |
Civicbird76 |
03/05/2020 8:40:22 AM |
21603 |
Not a problem at all my friend. (1) |
toodles |
03/05/2020 8:35:42 AM |
21602 |
Meant to thumbs up this, toodles. You know that (3) |
Civicbird76 |
03/05/2020 8:33:32 AM |
21601 |
And a rainbow of dollars to boot, toodles. Hope (3) |
Civicbird76 |
03/05/2020 8:30:42 AM |
21600 |
I'm happy we all have Opinions and are allowed to (9) |
toodles |
03/05/2020 8:24:42 AM |
21599 |
Bingo. that is what I thought. Everybody knows |
Zadie |
03/05/2020 8:20:07 AM |
21597 |
Great post Potomac I totally agree I do not (9) |
toodles |
03/05/2020 8:01:08 AM |
21596 |
Hang tight folks the tree shakers want your (6) |
wrenchman |
03/05/2020 7:58:33 AM |
21595 |
Francois, Thank You! I know you are doing your (7) |
Potomac |
03/05/2020 7:51:10 AM |