78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
19679 |
I agree, the Agrimed situation slowed us down. I (8) |
Almost A Myth |
01/22/2020 1:53:29 PM |
19678 |
It is great that we now know what the holdup was (7) |
MLR_Lite |
01/22/2020 1:44:14 PM |
19677 |
mzummo, obviously you do not know how to read (4) |
junebug |
01/22/2020 1:35:11 PM |
19676 |
100% Correct. Even Harvest were unaware of the (4) |
buy4fun |
01/22/2020 1:32:52 PM |
19675 |
IMO Agrimed ran into trouble for reasons that had |
Almost A Myth |
01/22/2020 1:29:22 PM |
19673 |
Research the Legal Issues that Agrimed ran into |
buy4fun |
01/22/2020 1:23:41 PM |
19672 |
The PPS is laughable at these levels. Docs (2) |
BudLightyr |
01/22/2020 1:08:09 PM |
19671 |
Do your research, the info is out there...these |
Biz |
01/22/2020 12:55:09 PM |
19670 |
BudLightyr |
01/22/2020 12:43:06 PM |
19668 |
mikey, if they only knew-they are holding shares (2) |
junebug |
01/22/2020 12:35:58 PM |
19667 |
They need some of Docs soon to be household name (3) |
mikeyt1818 |
01/22/2020 12:33:01 PM |
19664 |
I keep trying to fill their glass, but what I'm (3) |
Almost A Myth |
01/22/2020 12:17:48 PM |
19663 |
Wow, thanks for the last post. For 56 years I |
Still Learning 63 |
01/22/2020 12:17:01 PM |
19662 |
Pretty slow day all around. Soon we will be (1) |
junebug |
01/22/2020 12:14:09 PM |
19661 |
There are always the "glass is half empty" (1) |
stebfish |
01/22/2020 12:09:09 PM |
19660 |
OK Thanks for your insights. Its much clearer (1) |
Trent1000 |
01/22/2020 11:47:22 AM |
19659 |
Kinda sounds like Agrimed didnt work out. |
BudLightyr |
01/22/2020 11:28:02 AM |
19658 |
Yep, as Dr. D put it regarding Harvest "Univec (5) |
Wharfrat |
01/22/2020 11:20:34 AM |
19657 |
Its a done deal (3) |
armyseal |
01/22/2020 11:12:29 AM |
19656 |
Euromed Standby: Waiting for our rollout. 30+ (12) |
mikeyt1818 |
01/22/2020 11:06:02 AM |
19655 |
I say standby for Euromed news IMO and some (1) |
BudLightyr |
01/22/2020 11:04:57 AM |
19654 |
Both are on board. Why do you think their name is |
junebug |
01/22/2020 10:55:16 AM |
19653 |
Just wondered what you guys interpreted as |
Trent1000 |
01/22/2020 10:50:00 AM |
19652 |
GM |
armyseal |
01/22/2020 10:14:04 AM |
19651 |
Good morning UNVCers, well, I think things are (6) |
junebug |
01/22/2020 10:10:28 AM |
19650 |
Took some 75/76s this am (3) |
armyseal |
01/22/2020 9:59:01 AM |
19649 |
L2 is even thinner than yesterday morning at the (2) |
buy4fun |
01/22/2020 9:54:19 AM |
19647 |
Opportunity Zones !! (1) |
Biz |
01/22/2020 9:36:17 AM |
19646 |
No one talking about how Doc got a deal with the (4) |
BudLightyr |
01/22/2020 9:29:02 AM |
19645 |
Exactly (2) |
armyseal |
01/22/2020 9:24:59 AM |
19644 |
Bottom line is Doc has given us a very (12) |
mikeyt1818 |
01/22/2020 9:24:29 AM |
19643 |
I wont delete this post just dont use my (2) |
armyseal |
01/22/2020 9:17:12 AM |
19642 |
Yes I agree about the filings. |
richievortan |
01/22/2020 9:16:18 AM |
19639 |
Hahaha I tried to snap people out the mob (2) |
BudLightyr |
01/22/2020 8:33:47 AM |
19638 |
I think you are correct. Dr. Dalton's tweet being (5) |
stebfish |
01/22/2020 8:17:28 AM |
19637 |
Good Morning,Afternoon or Evening depending on (4) |
Still Learning 63 |
01/22/2020 8:10:59 AM |
19635 |
Open a TDAmeritrade account and fund with Apple |
VegasUNVC |
01/22/2020 12:44:51 AM |
19634 |
yes...... the good news is we are getting the (2) |
All Good |
01/21/2020 11:53:47 PM |
19633 |
Panic sellers or shall we say flippers as well (3) |
united4ever |
01/21/2020 11:53:02 PM |
19632 |
We panicked because we do not have the iron to (4) |
Raven1pa |
01/21/2020 11:46:46 PM |
19631 |
great post, what he is saying and what Raven (1) |
All Good |
01/21/2020 11:42:56 PM |
19630 |
Awesome find Chiro! Nice tribute from John Hope!! (4) |
vinsterr |
01/21/2020 11:30:16 PM |
19629 |
idig |
01/21/2020 10:23:46 PM |
19628 |
I would say the deals have been finalized for (5) |
BudLightyr |
01/21/2020 9:53:40 PM |
19627 |
Good eye something is cooking (1) |
armyseal |
01/21/2020 9:40:54 PM |
19626 |
Very interesting Raven excellent DD concerning (5) |
armyseal |
01/21/2020 9:38:10 PM |
19625 |
Yes all is a go. DD confirmed. Ready to roll! (7) |
mikeyt1818 |
01/21/2020 9:06:14 PM |
19624 |
New post John Hope Bryant on Instagram for Dr (8) |
Chiro2019 |
01/21/2020 8:50:29 PM |
19623 |
I suggest all read ravens post 3 or 4 times and (3) |
junebug |
01/21/2020 8:19:19 PM |
19622 |
Raven, I believe you-just hope filings are not |
junebug |
01/21/2020 8:08:51 PM |