78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (15) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
17229 |
God Bless Dr. Dalton. (6) |
junebug |
12/08/2019 8:52:41 PM |
17228 |
There's not much they can say, they know they (3) |
computerguy101 |
12/08/2019 8:36:00 PM |
17227 |
What I love is that the retards at scumhub have (1) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 8:30:20 PM |
17226 |
I agree. No one I have ever read about is (3) |
computerguy101 |
12/08/2019 8:18:42 PM |
17224 |
This Man David Dalton is (1) 0f a kind who can (8) |
toodles |
12/08/2019 7:53:25 PM |
17223 |
I pointed out to mikey Doc sent these tweets out (3) |
junebug |
12/08/2019 7:53:24 PM |
17222 |
Yes, he seems to be rather chatty for his usual (7) |
computerguy101 |
12/08/2019 7:46:34 PM |
17221 |
Dude that is brilliant... I agree it SET GO TIME (1) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 7:43:26 PM |
17220 |
Love all of the interpretations! Epicness (1) |
MLR_Lite |
12/08/2019 7:40:22 PM |
17219 |
fireworks = unexpected surprise (5) |
breezerunner |
12/08/2019 7:40:11 PM |
17218 |
I find it to be very interesting that Doc rarely (7) |
mikeyt1818 |
12/08/2019 7:39:31 PM |
17217 |
I agree as well. The rainbow comes and he adds (6) |
computerguy101 |
12/08/2019 7:27:09 PM |
17216 |
Have a restful night everyone-it may be your last (7) |
junebug |
12/08/2019 7:20:09 PM |
17215 |
I agree with you JB. Fireworks must mean (1) |
Cheetah30 |
12/08/2019 7:20:00 PM |
17214 |
Another possibility.. for some reason I can smell (3) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 7:06:22 PM |
17213 |
Cheapies of UNVC Conglomerate are soon to be a (2) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 7:05:15 PM |
17212 |
Could added fireworks = dividends? Possible. (5) |
Norwegian Rooster |
12/08/2019 7:05:15 PM |
17211 |
Excellent point Either way I believe its (5) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 7:01:54 PM |
17210 |
All I know is that we are on the precipice of (9) |
mikeyt1818 |
12/08/2019 6:59:52 PM |
17209 |
I dont relate fireworks with New years Eve-Doc is (11) |
junebug |
12/08/2019 6:54:19 PM |
17206 |
Maybe the green, is a green light meaning its go (3) |
Norwegian Rooster |
12/08/2019 6:47:31 PM |
17205 |
BINGO fireworks is the biggest hint yet on (3) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 6:46:47 PM |
17204 |
I believe that fireworks refers to the biggest (9) |
mikeyt1818 |
12/08/2019 6:44:16 PM |
17203 |
Some seem confused about Docs tweets-I understand (7) |
junebug |
12/08/2019 6:35:11 PM |
17202 |
When he says color is green I cant help but (4) |
Cheetah30 |
12/08/2019 6:28:09 PM |
17201 |
Another tweet....it was a reply to someone but (5) |
Chiro2019 |
12/08/2019 5:59:35 PM |
17200 |
I have some more funds clearing in the morning. (1) |
stebfish |
12/08/2019 5:49:29 PM |
17199 |
I believe if anybody wants anymore cheap shares (4) |
toodles |
12/08/2019 5:21:46 PM |
17198 |
I like your interpretation! (1) |
Potomac |
12/08/2019 5:11:00 PM |
17197 |
To me, it sounds like more of each one of the (4) |
Norwegian Rooster |
12/08/2019 5:01:05 PM |
17196 |
I think he has been walking a fine line trying to (3) |
MLR_Lite |
12/08/2019 5:00:10 PM |
17195 |
Dr Dalton Decoder ring says...This tweet (8) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 4:57:55 PM |
17194 |
This tweet is out early for him, letting the (3) |
toodles |
12/08/2019 4:51:31 PM |
17193 |
I am on it .. I have a Dr Dalton decorder (3) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 4:48:38 PM |
17192 |
Man... I'm still holding but it sure would be (3) |
12/08/2019 4:47:22 PM |
17191 |
Nope I read it as done fireworks book (4) |
armyseal |
12/08/2019 4:47:12 PM |
17190 |
Very interesting Tweet Looks like things may be a (5) |
toodles |
12/08/2019 4:45:02 PM |
17189 |
NEW TWEET RIGHT NOW.... Dr. David Dalton (4) |
Chiro2019 |
12/08/2019 4:39:56 PM |
17188 |
got a good feeling about the next 8 days. hope it (7) |
MLR_Lite |
12/07/2019 12:21:48 PM |
17187 |
This info may have been disclosed before but I (6) |
rd2000 |
12/07/2019 11:17:04 AM |
17186 |
Im in agreement with you. I havent set any (3) |
jrt03 |
12/07/2019 11:12:16 AM |
17185 |
Thanks rd. Short insightful |
stebfish |
12/07/2019 10:21:48 AM |
17184 |
There are some good ideas being shared about exit (4) |
Almost A Myth |
12/07/2019 10:16:01 AM |
17183 |
You basing your investment decisions on where the (6) |
BudLightyr |
12/07/2019 10:13:21 AM |
17181 |
The wait is absolutely painful but I am sure it (1) |
Cheetah30 |
12/07/2019 9:12:38 AM |
17180 |
While the following article was not written by (3) |
Kgem |
12/07/2019 9:11:35 AM |
17179 |
Very good info LV. Also Capital Gains should be a (2) |
rd2000 |
12/07/2019 9:05:57 AM |