78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
11583 |
PPSI will also be a very big portion of the (1) |
Cheetah30 |
08/04/2019 7:59:07 PM |
11582 |
The importance of our PPSI subsidiary: Physician (4) |
mikeyt1818 |
08/04/2019 7:36:00 PM |
11581 |
mikey, we all should be very excited about (2) |
junebug |
08/04/2019 6:43:44 PM |
11580 |
Euromed is "OUR" company in Israel. Huge (7) |
mikeyt1818 |
08/04/2019 6:39:22 PM |
11578 |
I take it everyday-think it should help-hope |
junebug |
08/04/2019 3:03:57 PM |
11577 |
Well I just got his so cant speak on it yet but |
wrenchman |
08/04/2019 2:51:35 PM |
11576 |
wrench, glad to hear it. I hear he may be coming |
junebug |
08/04/2019 2:43:13 PM |
11575 |
Jb yes I can attest to CBD helping with stomach |
wrenchman |
08/04/2019 2:32:11 PM |
11574 |
Got her Dr. Mitchells oil from you |
junebug |
08/04/2019 12:38:12 PM |
11573 |
That's great to here JB good to see you posting |
toodles |
08/04/2019 12:36:05 PM |
11572 |
My grandson is 18 and his girlfriend is 17-has (5) |
junebug |
08/04/2019 12:29:03 PM |
11571 |
unvctrader, do you know what potential markets (2) |
junebug |
08/04/2019 12:19:22 PM |
11570 |
Wow, that is incredible. Seems like every week (5) |
MLR_Lite |
08/04/2019 12:15:25 PM |
11569 |
Find it yourself.... |
junebug |
08/04/2019 12:06:33 PM |
11568 |
Saw a video yesterday of Alex Trebek of Jeopardy (1) |
junebug |
08/04/2019 12:05:21 PM |
11566 |
BudLightyr-nice post. One thing we all tend to (5) |
junebug |
08/04/2019 11:51:46 AM |
11564 |
Just a simple geography lesson here and what UNVC (5) |
junebug |
08/04/2019 11:35:30 AM |
11563 |
Remember folks. Vertically integrated (8) |
BudLightyr |
08/04/2019 11:31:33 AM |
11562 |
Euromed is an amazing catalyst that will take us (6) |
mikeyt1818 |
08/04/2019 11:09:53 AM |
11561 |
idig |
08/04/2019 9:33:37 AM |
11560 |
Good morning UNVC. It is amazing how many people (3) |
bspader |
08/04/2019 8:51:01 AM |
11559 |
WTF are talking about? |
Questfortruth |
08/04/2019 6:19:26 AM |
11558 |
I just want a million dollars after expenses, |
Civicbird76 |
08/04/2019 3:40:11 AM |
11557 |
And if your intent is to bash on this board at (2) |
Civicbird76 |
08/04/2019 3:37:26 AM |
11556 |
Are you the poster who is combining two names (2) |
Civicbird76 |
08/04/2019 2:06:14 AM |
11552 |
does harvest health and recreation have fda |
MLR_Lite |
08/04/2019 1:06:28 AM |
11551 |
This is the best Raid-basher post |
MLR_Lite |
08/04/2019 1:03:33 AM |
11549 |
What about FDA approval? Can that happen as well |
Civicbird76 |
08/04/2019 12:14:49 AM |
11548 |
Another funny thing about beer.......and by funny (1) |
Almost A Myth |
08/03/2019 11:36:52 PM |
11546 |
He is a firefighter a paramedic a videographer (1) |
wrenchman |
08/03/2019 10:57:14 PM |
11545 |
Well if he wants to be an idiot guess time I post (1) |
wrenchman |
08/03/2019 10:55:14 PM |
11544 |
Funny thing about Beer is that he was here in the (2) |
mikeyt1818 |
08/03/2019 10:21:21 PM |
11543 |
Its funny. 14,500 views on this board for a (2) |
Questfortruth |
08/03/2019 10:16:54 PM |
11542 |
This is pretty good. Someone who has access to (1) |
Questfortruth |
08/03/2019 10:14:17 PM |
11541 |
Kabooom baby kabooom UNVC Conglomerate going to |
armyseal |
08/03/2019 10:07:41 PM |
11540 |
I love it beersgood punk is posting non stop on (1) |
armyseal |
08/03/2019 9:52:21 PM |
11539 |
jrt03 you are correct. PSI is a different (2) |
mikeyt1818 |
08/03/2019 9:44:36 PM |
11538 |
It is my understanding PPSI is a sub of UNVC, (4) |
junebug |
08/03/2019 9:42:54 PM |
11537 |
Im curious to know if PPSI (Physician |
jrt03 |
08/03/2019 9:34:58 PM |
11536 |
MJplay2018 |
08/03/2019 9:06:55 PM |
11535 |
Big guy is at 180 twitter followers will be over (1) |
armyseal |
08/03/2019 8:00:18 PM |
11534 |
Lol that is so so great |
VegasUNVC |
08/03/2019 7:56:28 PM |
11533 |
Yep or its already set go |
armyseal |
08/03/2019 7:56:21 PM |
11532 |
How much could we possibly see this year as a |
Civicbird76 |
08/03/2019 7:23:50 PM |
11531 |
"Financial literacy is very important especially (7) |
12Retyr |
08/03/2019 7:12:32 PM |
11530 |
Great Post junebug, don't you know its going to (1) |
toodles |
08/03/2019 7:12:29 PM |
11529 |
As you all know, John Peoples, former VP at (3) |
junebug |
08/03/2019 7:00:25 PM |
11528 |
What an incredible tweet I thought the last one (2) |
armyseal |
08/03/2019 6:56:51 PM |
11527 |
Doc and his team have done all the work, but each (3) |
08/03/2019 6:21:00 PM |
11526 |
Now thats what I was talking about MLR_Lite. (3) |
ABlessing |
08/03/2019 6:19:20 PM |