9716 |
UUU Year to date has changed +2.50% percent. |
Jake13 |
04/18/2015 1:10:35 AM |
9719 |
$VMRI Valmie brings operating talent, tools and |
StockMasterTalk |
04/19/2015 9:59:52 AM |
41625 |
Check out the $IDVV OFF Grid Grow Lab Video |
trooperstocks |
10/24/2018 7:44:55 AM |
32082 |
$ENRT Corporate Update |
budfoxfun |
02/10/2017 11:22:35 AM |
32081 |
$IMLFF buy rating |
budfoxfun |
02/10/2017 11:20:48 AM |
32080 |
$LTEA executives have experience working with |
budfoxfun |
02/10/2017 11:20:37 AM |
32079 |
$ACRX Acelrx Pharmaceutica 3.15 Had 6 1 Month |
Jake13 |
02/10/2017 11:19:49 AM |
32078 |
$LTEA strong growth year over year. |
cherrob |
02/10/2017 11:06:22 AM |
32077 |
APDN Stock 1.52 Applied Dna Scns Cmn $APDN Hit 12 |
Emylers |
02/10/2017 11:01:36 AM |
32076 |
CNAT is number 48 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/10/2017 10:58:17 AM |
32075 |
QUOT is number 38 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/10/2017 10:49:04 AM |
32074 |
SKX is number 35 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/10/2017 10:46:18 AM |
32073 |
OSUR is number 33 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/10/2017 10:44:44 AM |
32072 |
KBSF is number 1 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/10/2017 10:16:41 AM |
32071 |
AXP Stock 78.32 American Express Company $AXP Hit |
DennyT |
02/10/2017 10:06:21 AM |
32070 |
$LTEA - The shift in consumer demand for more |
DiamondsInTheRough |
02/10/2017 10:04:09 AM |
32069 |
$KOSK Get acquainted with their Board of |
Lets Roll |
02/10/2017 9:56:54 AM |
32068 |
NVDA Gapped up +1.08 $NVDA Last Price 117.62 Day |
jim50 |
02/10/2017 9:56:38 AM |
32067 |
MATR 3.95 Mattersight Corp $MATR Std Dev +3.66. |
clayton |
02/10/2017 9:52:17 AM |
32066 |
PRLB 60.00 Proto Labs Inc $PRLB Std Dev +3.81. |
clayton |
02/10/2017 9:50:02 AM |
32065 |
$LTEA the global tea market is expected to reach |
DiamondsInTheRough |
02/10/2017 9:14:59 AM |
32064 |
$LTEA Continues Expansion into Latin America with |
DiamondsInTheRough |
02/10/2017 8:59:36 AM |
32063 |
$CBIS The potential revenue stream for Cannabis |
DiamondsInTheRough |
02/10/2017 8:59:04 AM |
32062 |
$LTEA Tea is one of the most popular |
DiamondsInTheRough |
02/10/2017 8:58:35 AM |
32061 |
Bottom Bounce MJ Play- $PPJE Alert- UnderValued |
$maker |
02/10/2017 7:11:03 AM |
32060 |
$CBIS The potential revenue stream for Cannabis |
cherrob |
02/10/2017 7:02:39 AM |
32059 |
$KOSK has a subsidiary, CRS, which has supplied |
cherrob |
02/10/2017 7:01:05 AM |
32058 |
$NSEH News yesterday! |
Lets Roll |
02/10/2017 6:39:05 AM |
32057 |
$CBIS The potential revenue stream for Cannabis |
Lets Roll |
02/10/2017 6:15:12 AM |
32056 |
$KOSK Their business success is based on the |
Lets Roll |
02/09/2017 9:53:05 PM |
32055 |
CBD is one of at least 13 active cannabinoids |
Uptick Network |
02/09/2017 3:52:31 PM |
32054 |
$MKAU ~ New high of day! +36.36% at .024 |
zigzagman |
02/09/2017 3:44:23 PM |
32053 |
$ECOB Eco is headquartered in San Diego, CA and |
Lets Roll |
02/09/2017 2:02:19 PM |
32052 |
$NSEH NuState has been providing software |
Lets Roll |
02/09/2017 2:02:00 PM |
32051 |
Debt Reduction NEWS from $GAWK today! +50% at |
zigzagman |
02/09/2017 1:58:00 PM |
32050 |
$CDTX Cidara Thera Cmn 10.75 Had 3 1 Month Highs. |
Jake13 |
02/09/2017 12:13:47 PM |
32049 |
$AU Anglogold Ashanti Ltd 13.22 Had 7 1 Month |
Jake13 |
02/09/2017 11:48:10 AM |
32048 |
$GAWK LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - Feb 9, |
cherrob |
02/09/2017 11:43:58 AM |
32047 |
$ARNC Arconic Inc 27.91 Had 16 1 Month Highs. |
Jake13 |
02/09/2017 11:41:26 AM |
32046 |
GPL is number 94 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/09/2017 11:37:35 AM |
32045 |
Investor Presentation ~ $LTEA |
zigzagman |
02/09/2017 11:36:59 AM |
32044 |
$ANIP ANI Pharma Inc 63.95 Had 3 1 Month Highs. |
Jake13 |
02/09/2017 11:35:03 AM |
32043 |
CALD is number 89 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/09/2017 11:33:20 AM |
32042 |
$AMAT Applied Materials 35.75 Had 15 1 Month |
Jake13 |
02/09/2017 11:31:32 AM |
32041 |
$AER Aercap Holdings N.V. 45.53 Had 8 1 Month |
Jake13 |
02/09/2017 11:24:57 AM |
32040 |
LNTH is number 79 for the largest percentage gain |
danrocks |
02/09/2017 11:24:17 AM |
32039 |
Symbol Last Name $Symbol Std Dev Std Dev. Symbol |
clayton |
02/09/2017 11:18:35 AM |
32038 |
10:45 ET Volume Leader #71 - RF 2,898,795 Regions |
leahanne |
02/09/2017 11:11:35 AM |
32037 |
NTES 264.33 Netease Inc Ads $NTES Std Dev +1.94. |
clayton |
02/09/2017 11:10:02 AM |
32036 |
SHOS Stock 3.60 Sears Hometown $SHOS Hit 21 52 |
Emylers |
02/09/2017 11:08:43 AM |
32035 |
SHIP Stock 1.10 Seanergy Maritime Hl $SHIP Hit 15 |
Emylers |
02/09/2017 11:08:22 AM |
32034 |
$IMLFF Pipeline INM-075 and INM-085 |
Lets Roll |
02/09/2017 11:05:07 AM |
32033 |
10:43 ET Volume Leader #27 - ETRM 3,707,328 |
leahanne |
02/09/2017 10:55:52 AM |