3838 |
Green, Renewable Energy is the wave of the future (1) |
Lee Adams |
02/13/2023 2:19:40 PM |
3918 |
Lee Adams |
02/23/2023 11:09:48 AM |
3954 |
$SNPW Tweet: Sun Pacific Holding |
Lee Adams |
03/07/2023 11:59:55 AM |
3975 |
New US Solar Plant w/ $50 Million Insurance (1) |
stocksonhighalert |
03/10/2023 10:19:09 AM |
6573 |
take up your beef with the MMs why cry on here? |
ThreeEmInEn |
03/05/2024 10:40:20 AM |
6572 |
Ricki the Parrot using big words, besides |
Biggamejimm |
03/05/2024 2:37:27 AM |
6571 |
Yet Drugman the Moron claimed "insiders" were |
Biggamejimm |
03/05/2024 2:36:33 AM |
6570 |
Ricki the Parrot, show me ONE brokerage that |
Biggamejimm |
03/05/2024 2:35:11 AM |
6569 |
Thanks for the clarification ye empty headed |
rickstereo3333 |
03/05/2024 2:04:58 AM |
6568 |
The cursing littlebrained muppet apparently |
rickstereo3333 |
03/05/2024 2:03:41 AM |
6567 |
Nope, no manipulation at all. |
drugmanrx |
03/04/2024 11:35:00 PM |
6566 |
Drugman claims "bashers" are driving down price |
Biggamejimm |
03/04/2024 11:33:57 PM |
6565 |
have seen it all now. desperation is setting in |
ThreeEmInEn |
03/04/2024 11:16:42 PM |
6564 |
Ricki is only good for a laugh. Sure hope nobody |
Wallstreet1234 |
03/04/2024 7:57:40 PM |
6563 |
Drugman so desperate for excuses he's claiming |
Biggamejimm |
03/04/2024 7:30:09 PM |
6562 |
Pirate Ricki, the knockoff version, over on iHuB |
Biggamejimm |
03/04/2024 7:24:00 PM |
6561 |
When Drugman runs out of excuses for his master |
Biggamejimm |
03/04/2024 2:33:03 PM |
6560 |
Who's LMFAO now??? What a ridiculous statement!! |
DakotaSentMe |
03/04/2024 11:25:03 AM |
6559 |
Drugman you're full of shit. How's that $2 price |
Biggamejimm |
03/04/2024 10:25:44 AM |
6558 |
Funny , you say it is hysterical , But NO WHERE |
drugmanrx |
03/04/2024 10:10:43 AM |
6557 |
OMG!! That's hysterical Keep reaching, keep |
DakotaSentMe |
03/03/2024 11:11:18 PM |
6556 |
No, I really don't I suspect you also know I'm |
drugmanrx |
03/03/2024 10:59:25 PM |
6555 |
You're a piece of work. You know damn well I |
DakotaSentMe |
03/03/2024 10:13:20 PM |
6554 |
Now you are calling Dakota a liar. Posted On: |
drugmanrx |
03/03/2024 9:10:05 PM |
6553 |
You're a fking CLOWN! ROFLMAO The SEC doesn't |
Biggamrejimmm |
03/03/2024 8:58:17 PM |
6552 |
Difference between you and I Little Jimmy is that |
drugmanrx |
03/03/2024 6:31:41 PM |
6551 |
Everytime Drugman the Moron gets caught in making |
Biggamejimm |
03/03/2024 3:00:21 PM |
6550 |
Drugman the Moron, your entire MO is when you're |
Biggamejimm |
03/03/2024 2:55:50 PM |
6549 |
Pirate Ricki, name me ONE brokerage that will |
Biggamejimm |
03/03/2024 2:53:13 PM |
6548 |
Thats correct, empty of your bullshit. Now |
Wallstreet1234 |
03/03/2024 10:47:23 AM |
6547 |
Apparently someone needs to inform the sewer |
rickstereo3333 |
03/03/2024 8:53:24 AM |
6546 |
I'll give you this, Druggie. You're the master of |
DakotaSentMe |
03/03/2024 8:48:24 AM |
6545 |
There go again Little Jimmy your able to read but |
drugmanrx |
03/03/2024 8:45:01 AM |
6544 |
Ricki the knockoff pirate back again.. Where's |
Biggamejimm |
03/03/2024 4:53:01 AM |
6543 |
Dumbass! In order to short the stock you have to |
Biggamejimm |
03/03/2024 4:52:22 AM |
6542 |
These low IQ shites are really committed to this |
rickstereo3333 |
03/03/2024 1:17:12 AM |
6541 |
So yer head is empty!....,got it LIAR!!! Also, |
rickstereo3333 |
03/03/2024 1:11:29 AM |
6540 |
Who ever said it had to be retail |
drugmanrx |
03/02/2024 11:54:20 PM |
6539 |
Not available to retail investors you dumbass |
Biggamejimm |
03/02/2024 11:31:32 PM |
6538 |
Some don't believe naked shorting exist., but |
drugmanrx |
03/02/2024 10:38:54 PM |
6537 |
50 days since the "tape measure visit" 588 days |
ThreeEmInEn |
03/02/2024 9:07:11 PM |
6536 |
Drugman the Moron promotes lies and frauds |
Biggamejimm |
03/02/2024 1:12:03 PM |
6535 |
Spot on. Only one individual that would benefit |
DakotaSentMe |
03/02/2024 11:28:30 AM |
6534 |
With roughly 997 million new shares to use, with |
Wallstreet1234 |
03/02/2024 11:23:10 AM |
6533 |
The more Nick remains silent here, the more |
DakotaSentMe |
03/02/2024 9:35:23 AM |
6532 |
Let's review shall we. First Poster Dakota points |
drugmanrx |
03/02/2024 8:14:55 AM |
6531 |
Drugman is always three steps behind. Lmfao!! |
Biggamejimm |
03/02/2024 1:39:48 AM |
6530 |
Hey Drugman dumbass, I knew EXACTLY where Nick |
Biggamejimm |
03/02/2024 1:38:02 AM |
6529 |
This is getting interesting. Following from the |
ThreeEmInEn |
03/01/2024 9:31:44 PM |
6528 |
Nick never said the site visit was in Alabama did |
drugmanrx |
03/01/2024 8:40:53 PM |
6527 |
Hey dumbass, I'm the one who orginated the |
Biggamrejimmm |
03/01/2024 7:35:45 PM |
6526 |
There is a poster on this board who does not have |
drugmanrx |
03/01/2024 6:46:18 PM |
6525 |
Drugman, since you talked to the SEC Prosecutor, (1) |
Biggamrejimmm |
03/01/2024 6:18:40 PM |
6523 |
I know we had a long chat about you. I have a |
drugmanrx |
03/01/2024 5:29:15 PM |