53950 |
A reminder for those who have short memories. The (3) |
Lmcat |
12/05/2018 11:39:14 PM |
27521 |
How about late term abortion ?? Got an issue ? |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 1:02:59 PM |
27520 |
No body is chasing those links around. Got any |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 1:01:46 PM |
27519 |
You don't give a shit about Hillary now ? hmmm (1) |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 1:00:34 PM |
27518 |
Trumpski! Thats his real (2) |
dw |
12/19/2016 12:54:26 PM |
27517 |
One of Donalds buddies just got a message from (1) |
dw |
12/19/2016 12:50:37 PM |
27516 |
Poemstoned, No one gives a shit about Hilary any (1) |
dw |
12/19/2016 12:45:32 PM |
27515 |
Hillary will go to a jail or a hospital or a jail |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 12:23:00 PM |
27514 |
Hey right's, You guys don't get embarrassed by a (3) |
fitzkarz |
12/19/2016 12:20:04 PM |
27513 |
Just because you say Hannity is lying doesn't |
12/19/2016 11:40:05 AM |
27512 |
Wrong again commie. Not "all" caps. Just a couple |
12/19/2016 11:34:27 AM |
27511 |
Sean Hannity Says Russian Hacking Probe Is |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 11:28:07 AM |
27510 |
Look to your own gasket 'all caps, fake news' |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 11:26:11 AM |
27509 |
Please point out where Hannity isn't telling the |
12/19/2016 11:15:23 AM |
27508 |
Calm down Commie. You don't want to blow a gasket |
12/19/2016 11:13:14 AM |
27507 |
You're the one defending Hannity and his bullshit |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 11:13:00 AM |
27506 |
The GOP provided the major opposition to that |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 11:10:40 AM |
27505 |
I don't support the former KGB thug and current |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 11:07:32 AM |
27504 |
So you say / A person that can't even see that |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 11:06:13 AM |
27503 |
WASHINGTON, April 18 A pillar of the |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 11:03:21 AM |
27502 |
Wrong Again Bhawks ....you're the only commie I |
12/19/2016 11:00:34 AM |
27501 |
These are not going away! |
dw |
12/19/2016 10:57:33 AM |
27500 |
The 'usual suspects', fear and (1) |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:55:39 AM |
27499 |
Hannity IS fake news. Last time I looked |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:54:18 AM |
27498 |
Calm down yourself, Puty lover. And of course you |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:52:05 AM |
27497 |
dw |
12/19/2016 10:49:34 AM |
27496 |
Nonsense on your reason that bin Laden wasn't |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:46:29 AM |
27495 |
Trump picks billionaire NHL owner to lead Army |
fitzkarz |
12/19/2016 10:45:55 AM |
27494 |
The right is very insecure, I wonder why? (1) |
fitzkarz |
12/19/2016 10:43:02 AM |
27493 |
Sean Hannity Says Russian Hacking Probe Is |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 10:35:55 AM |
27492 |
Calm down old man .....I'm not apologizing for (1) |
12/19/2016 10:29:48 AM |
27491 |
why didn't Bush nail bin laden Because the |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 10:26:18 AM |
27490 |
Not a single name called in the post you're |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:17:52 AM |
27489 |
That's right, Obama has conducted himself with (1) |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:14:58 AM |
27488 |
dw |
12/19/2016 10:13:04 AM |
27487 |
WOW / just a little tight are we hawk. Name |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 10:12:51 AM |
27486 |
Obamacare set to skyrocket an average of 22% 2017 |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 10:06:36 AM |
27485 |
Did theso called Russian hacks HAVE ANY LIES in (1) |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:04:11 AM |
27483 |
The excuses you Putin apologists are making to (3) |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 10:00:44 AM |
27482 |
Way to miss the point. THE issue is the |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 9:55:28 AM |
27481 |
Lefty does not care one fig one wampum or one (1) |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 9:55:24 AM |
27480 |
Exactly !! The whining ,crying little liberal (3) |
12/19/2016 9:46:55 AM |
27479 |
Did theso called Russian hacks HAVE ANY LIES in (3) |
dbergh |
12/19/2016 9:36:40 AM |
27478 |
Trump feels persecuted. By facts....Russian |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 9:21:38 AM |
27477 |
Do you REALLY want to understand Trumpers and (1) |
Bhawks |
12/19/2016 9:15:40 AM |
27476 |
Time to face reality, Obama Trump is going to |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 7:50:09 AM |
27475 |
Hillary feels persecuted. By facts i should add. |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 7:41:33 AM |
27474 |
Obama opens his mouth at every turn to demean our |
PoemStone |
12/19/2016 7:35:59 AM |
27473 |
Morning Mood Music 4HEiPw2Ms4s (1) |
SaltyMutt |
12/19/2016 6:33:32 AM |