84457 |
It's time this board gets back on topic which is (37) |
IH Admin |
10/20/2017 6:06:58 PM |
91008 |
Bashers/ shorts are really trying hard to lower (3) |
Felix |
07/05/2018 2:21:01 PM |
92054 |
Everything is in order as I typed this as the (17) |
aaweibe |
11/29/2018 4:51:23 PM |
67491 |
323232 |
09/30/2016 5:04:55 PM |
67490 |
Beefeater NTEK down here sub 3 has the potential (2) |
WinstonNC |
09/30/2016 5:01:23 PM |
67488 |
yes, NTEK didn't file anything |
LionsFan |
09/30/2016 4:52:40 PM |
67485 |
http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/NTEK/quote |
dennyd |
09/30/2016 4:48:48 PM |
67484 |
Question to ask is where are the audited (2) |
Krisandtilly |
09/30/2016 4:48:39 PM |
67483 |
All right where are the |
beaz750 |
09/30/2016 4:43:51 PM |
67482 |
Anybody know what happened at the court hearing |
Cannibal_Karl |
09/30/2016 4:30:54 PM |
67479 |
You are doing longs here a disservice. Have you (4) |
beefeater |
09/30/2016 3:55:35 PM |
67478 |
Don't you think you should give people more time (9) |
ReadTheChinaStudy |
09/30/2016 3:38:05 PM |
67476 |
If that 250k share ask really wanted to sell why (2) |
BigHank |
09/30/2016 2:19:20 PM |
67475 |
didn't your last one gap down (4) |
BigHank |
09/30/2016 2:17:36 PM |
67473 |
I am surprised this hasn't happened 10 Years ago (2) |
goodbuddy4863 |
09/30/2016 2:08:08 PM |
67472 |
I'm ok with no communication as long as I keep (1) |
Zattnt |
09/30/2016 2:07:13 PM |
67471 |
Just posted ... UltraFlix 1 min High Road - In (3) |
lajet |
09/30/2016 2:01:19 PM |
67470 |
Well, if there is new management or old, they (2) |
Waspatriot |
09/30/2016 2:01:10 PM |
67469 |
Going to be fun to watch the chase of everyone (1) |
BigHank |
09/30/2016 1:58:40 PM |
67467 |
I would hope that if new management MAY now be in (1) |
Zattnt |
09/30/2016 1:25:34 PM |
67466 |
It's not just DB (1) |
AlanC |
09/30/2016 1:04:39 PM |
67465 |
Audits cost money. If they had money they (1) |
Disco Bob |
09/30/2016 12:34:37 PM |
67464 |
Here is a good real time study for those talking (1) |
JustChillin |
09/30/2016 12:26:48 PM |
67463 |
They've had plenty of time to audit the (3) |
beaz750 |
09/30/2016 12:19:16 PM |
67462 |
Zero chance IMO |
Devil mafia |
09/30/2016 12:01:48 PM |
67461 |
Let's get our act together NTEK. We have invested (7) |
Mexico10 |
09/30/2016 11:59:59 AM |
67459 |
yes expect extension filing after hrs if they |
WinstonNC |
09/30/2016 11:51:37 AM |
67456 |
You are indeed correct. No Guessing there. But I |
goodbuddy4863 |
09/30/2016 11:43:45 AM |
67454 |
On OTC Stops.. |
mikemc1001 |
09/30/2016 10:41:17 AM |
67453 |
When financials were late in the past, extensions |
intelligentPMC |
09/30/2016 10:34:42 AM |
67452 |
That's standard. The financials are due out |
beefeater |
09/30/2016 10:33:31 AM |
67450 |
Look at the trades, too funny! Walked down on 6 (1) |
AlanC |
09/30/2016 10:16:01 AM |
67449 |
In my opinion this has always been most critical (2) |
Addiction2money |
09/30/2016 10:13:32 AM |
67448 |
At .025 presplit makes this .00099 pre-split that (5) |
Disco Bob |
09/30/2016 10:09:43 AM |
67447 |
After hour fins??? |
Turbowyo |
09/30/2016 10:05:11 AM |
67445 |
Ridiculous Market Cap of $2.6 Million ... NTEK (2) |
lajet |
09/30/2016 9:58:29 AM |
67444 |
Good call, that makes sense to me! And 5 Million |
intelligentPMC |
09/30/2016 9:43:14 AM |
67443 |
figures...they just had a pump, get people to buy |
mikemc1001 |
09/30/2016 9:40:00 AM |
67442 |
Those MMs...so funny down 20% on 15,000 |
beaz750 |
09/30/2016 9:31:53 AM |
67441 |
Where does the O/S that were just issued go.... |
09/30/2016 9:20:19 AM |
67440 |
Like selling your neighbors house.... then start (4) |
mikemc1001 |
09/30/2016 8:59:36 AM |
67439 |
Does anyone think there is a chance that |
Dakota111 |
09/30/2016 8:47:54 AM |
67438 |
Most SEC officials come from wall street and Wall (3) |
wer123 |
09/30/2016 8:23:02 AM |
67437 |
I totally agree AC, It is crazy that selling non (3) |
Disco Bob |
09/30/2016 8:14:25 AM |
67436 |
With all due respect back, this is all about the (5) |
AlanC |
09/30/2016 7:42:59 AM |
67435 |
"The 4K models support 15 different 4K apps: (5) |
rustydog62 |
09/30/2016 2:17:35 AM |
67433 |
Throwback Thursday ... UltraFlix 32 mins (4) |
lajet |
09/29/2016 9:31:13 PM |
67432 |
People that got in just after the r/s are down (4) |
Disco Bob |
09/29/2016 9:00:21 PM |
67431 |
Very correct Dakota. I have plenty more money to |
rustydog62 |
09/29/2016 8:54:13 PM |
67429 |
Sling getting some mentions |
DrizzleD |
09/29/2016 7:51:21 PM |
67428 |
I thought they did a reverse split to pay off (3) |
garysbest |
09/29/2016 7:28:06 PM |
67427 |
On a side note. Many smart people here, and that |
Dakota111 |
09/29/2016 7:25:18 PM |
67426 |
Agreed!!!! Every Penny counts at this point! That (2) |
Dakota111 |
09/29/2016 7:19:19 PM |