84457 |
It's time this board gets back on topic which is (37) |
IH Admin |
10/20/2017 6:06:58 PM |
91008 |
Bashers/ shorts are really trying hard to lower (3) |
Felix |
07/05/2018 2:21:01 PM |
92054 |
Everything is in order as I typed this as the (17) |
aaweibe |
11/29/2018 4:51:23 PM |
59628 |
Also remember AL Stone was one of the first to (6) |
tinytoes51 |
05/19/2016 9:59:51 PM |
59627 |
Do private messages! all bantering back and forth (5) |
Dakota111 |
05/19/2016 9:57:25 PM |
59626 |
Google's plan to bring VR to the masses "KEY IS (1) |
tinytoes51 |
05/19/2016 9:27:30 PM |
59625 |
dolby |
05/19/2016 8:41:12 PM |
59624 |
OK-Truce is on !!!!!!!!!! Go (2) |
dennyd |
05/19/2016 8:38:54 PM |
59623 |
Guys!!! Take it easy. Denny - Who cares if SB (12) |
Atlas1 |
05/19/2016 8:34:48 PM |
59622 |
Current directors straight from IR just posted on (3) |
dennyd |
05/19/2016 8:34:48 PM |
59621 |
If anyone posts something blantantly untrue, they (5) |
Dakota111 |
05/19/2016 8:31:07 PM |
59620 |
I shop Sams Club and Cosco 4 times per week for (2) |
Dakota111 |
05/19/2016 8:22:02 PM |
59619 |
I JUST RECEIVED THIS FROM, D.W, Al Stone is still (6) |
dolby |
05/19/2016 8:20:31 PM |
59618 |
The last time you said something came directly (5) |
Sitting Bull |
05/19/2016 8:18:46 PM |
59617 |
He knows full well it's not (2) |
FinAnalyst |
05/19/2016 8:14:17 PM |
59616 |
It's not sittingbull it's a (3) |
bounty429 |
05/19/2016 8:07:22 PM |
59615 |
Wow I just rec'd a thumbs down from SB on the (3) |
dennyd |
05/19/2016 8:00:14 PM |
59612 |
I recall these terrorist group used my name also (2) |
Krisandtilly |
05/19/2016 7:51:35 PM |
59611 |
dennyd |
05/19/2016 7:50:56 PM |
59608 |
why this is a big deal for Ultraflix/akyumen (1) |
Krisandtilly |
05/19/2016 7:39:57 PM |
59607 |
Are you stalking my posts here again DennyD? I (4) |
Sitting Bull |
05/19/2016 7:35:53 PM |
59606 |
You never really know for sure. You just cannot (3) |
dennyd |
05/19/2016 7:28:15 PM |
59605 |
Are they using my alias on Reddit? Reddit may (1) |
Sitting Bull |
05/19/2016 7:09:19 PM |
59604 |
No, I know, these guys are F'n redick. Lol, the |
Jaxdawson |
05/19/2016 7:04:23 PM |
59603 |
That is someone else. See Yahoo NTEK message (1) |
Sitting Bull |
05/19/2016 6:50:37 PM |
59601 |
Wow......... that is a bad |
tinytoes51 |
05/19/2016 6:38:05 PM |
59599 |
Is this the real SittingBull? Or is this someone |
Jaxdawson |
05/19/2016 6:32:51 PM |
59598 |
FINRA short sales of NTEK |
AlanC |
05/19/2016 6:16:53 PM |
59597 |
Another festival sponsor, Akyumen, is set to (1) |
Krisandtilly |
05/19/2016 6:14:41 PM |
59596 |
ITVFest expands focus By Chris |
Krisandtilly |
05/19/2016 6:09:41 PM |
59595 |
from the comments you can tell they're either (1) |
Krisandtilly |
05/19/2016 5:58:46 PM |
59594 |
Bought another 2 mil today. Hopefully we'll get a (1) |
pinballmaster |
05/19/2016 5:45:44 PM |
59593 |
Totally agree. They are (2) |
Mexico10 |
05/19/2016 5:25:25 PM |
59592 |
That dude didn't write that. It's a basher using (1) |
FinAnalyst |
05/19/2016 5:21:36 PM |
59590 |
It is pretty disgusting the bashers who are (3) |
rustydog62 |
05/19/2016 5:04:56 PM |
59589 |
Currently, the service only offers rentals, but (4) |
dolby |
05/19/2016 4:48:57 PM |
59588 |
DB, I set up a couple tv's and hard set the app |
tinytoes51 |
05/19/2016 4:41:23 PM |
59586 |
Hi DB, I don't have a 4K TV yet so I watched at |
Mexico10 |
05/19/2016 4:31:59 PM |
59584 |
does anyone know, now that we are on Amazon Fire, |
tinytoes51 |
05/19/2016 4:18:45 PM |
59583 |
broke into the 1 mil share (4) |
rsrch51 |
05/19/2016 4:17:59 PM |
59582 |
Does anyone have the 4K FIRE TV give a checkout |
WinstonNC |
05/19/2016 4:14:24 PM |
59581 |
http://www.aftvnews.com/ultraflix-brings-their-la (5) |
fuja21 |
05/19/2016 4:13:57 PM |
59580 |
Whats with all the thumbs down on my posts? I'm (2) |
Jazz |
05/19/2016 4:12:54 PM |
59579 |
JUST POSTED!!! UltraFlix brings their large (17) |
tinytoes51 |
05/19/2016 4:08:29 PM |
59578 |
Que pasa Mex 10? I am curious what bit setting |
Disco Bob |
05/19/2016 4:07:58 PM |
59577 |
Please, Give it a BREAK already. |
sinjohn221 |
05/19/2016 4:02:12 PM |
59576 |
Ultraflix looking great & running smooth. Enjoyed (2) |
Mexico10 |
05/19/2016 4:01:16 PM |
59575 |
And when you buy those shares you have money back |
Jazz |
05/19/2016 3:59:33 PM |