Hello Everyone, I am known on IHUB and twitter as Chasing Stars and I would like to take the time to say a few words. More and more investors and new investors are turning to penny stocks because of the opportunity of making some serious cash and they are cheap! I am 28 years old married with a son and just started trading in the beginning of this year, January 1st to be exact. Like most I have lost a lot of money starting to trade. I walked into the darkness with absolutely no guidance at all and had to learn everything from what a L2 was to Charts, DD and Stats! I always caught myself at the Top of a pump which is where most new investors lose money. So now I made a new board here for those real investors that want to make money! "This Week's Hot Stocks' I am forming a solid team of mods to help me build this board! We look for the REAL ones! Stocks that have a chance to go BIG! I had the idea for a while and when I met aliangel and a few others like kingvegita2006, moneynmetals and el jefe the list goes on! I knew it was time! As time goes on we will be ALERTING true stocks that have a story to back them up and that we feel will have huge gains over time! Now as far as my screen name chasing stars.. The photo below is where it all started. About three years ago my wife went to a psychic.. I know I know everyone has their different feelings on this! The psychic told her I was gonna be getting myself into something big that was gonna become a full time job that had a lot of money involved and I was gonna do very well.... NEVER made sense to me at all! until one day my wifes uncle was talking about trading. so it began! I was intrigued so I started looking into it! After a while I wanted to do it! So when the time came and I started trading I searched all over the internet looking for what stocks to buy and then I ran across IHUB.. so I looked into it and went to sign up.. Made a name and then not to long after I wanted to change it and was not to sure what I wanted. I looked down at the printer next to my computer and seen that piece of paper that the psychic gave my wife and BOOM there it was.... Chasing Stars Circled! so it starts....... Thank you all for you time and please stop by and check us out and spread the word!
Chasing Stars