38631 |
Update from Tony (7) |
Z-Trader |
12/29/2017 6:59:33 PM |
40668 |
Thanks for the permission. We (6) |
Mogul40 |
06/21/2018 12:11:06 PM |
26545 |
It is my understanding mgmt is working hard to (2) |
papa nasty |
05/26/2016 8:15:01 AM |
26544 |
Well said. ...best we can do now is chill and (6) |
Dischino |
05/25/2016 9:54:21 PM |
26542 |
Agreed Papa, we need to let management do their (4) |
Carsmax177 |
05/25/2016 8:19:59 PM |
26541 |
Anytime time frame on this.... (2) |
Large220 |
05/25/2016 7:22:39 PM |
26540 |
You all will be shocked when baltia p r a lease (8) |
papa nasty |
05/25/2016 6:57:04 PM |
26539 |
What is sad these trailer park trash invest (2) |
papa nasty |
05/25/2016 6:23:50 PM |
26538 |
As for Sara lol lol lol you can't get a job in (3) |
papa nasty |
05/25/2016 6:17:45 PM |
26537 |
That moron jw said he sold today it was early am (2) |
papa nasty |
05/25/2016 6:15:12 PM |
26536 |
You scum have nothing better to do with your (5) |
papa nasty |
05/25/2016 6:07:33 PM |
26535 |
Sara we know you are Ashley grimes you are a very (3) |
papa nasty |
05/25/2016 6:06:50 PM |
26533 |
I say link it to the SEC page, and let them (1) |
TheNewGuy66 |
05/25/2016 5:53:45 PM |
26530 |
yeah it is! If I only played 4-8-19-27-34 PB 10 (3) |
YouLie |
05/25/2016 10:53:22 AM |
26527 |
I flat love the fact that there are so many (6) |
Rodeoup |
05/25/2016 4:32:17 AM |
26524 |
I disagree 100% with your last 6 (2) |
Rodeoup |
05/25/2016 2:31:18 AM |
26513 |
Beware of slime bag pumpers sending pms. If I'm (3) |
Dischino |
05/24/2016 7:07:34 PM |
26509 |
It would be nice if we got an update: Dear (7) |
USGL investor |
05/24/2016 11:16:10 AM |
26508 |
Yup. Look at me Mommy! Look at me! I need (2) |
Hootavoota |
05/24/2016 10:33:29 AM |
26506 |
The naysayers sneak out for fresh air, come here (3) |
Dischino |
05/24/2016 10:30:14 AM |
26504 |
Sarah got climb back in your (2) |
iToby1 |
05/23/2016 9:10:01 PM |
26501 |
At these prices I couldn't help myself, well I (1) |
iToby1 |
05/23/2016 6:06:49 PM |
26500 |
Lol...you go for it Toby! (1) |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 5:53:49 PM |
26499 |
Hey Hoota had that itch again, doesn't itch any (2) |
iToby1 |
05/23/2016 5:16:00 PM |
26497 |
Lets hope so Papa ! I really want this company to (2) |
BossStock |
05/23/2016 1:29:19 PM |
26496 |
POOF? How about POW? We need to change our (4) |
jonthezman |
05/23/2016 1:17:08 PM |
26495 |
We are # 6 most viewed today. When positive news |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 12:48:57 PM |
26494 |
Let's see....it's not ok to post positive (4) |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 12:35:26 PM |
26493 |
POOF..... (2) |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 12:00:40 PM |
26490 |
Good reading this morning. Yes, I believe mgmt (5) |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 10:17:51 AM |
26489 |
I remember reading that Baltia doesn't have to go (3) |
BobLeeUU |
05/23/2016 9:23:42 AM |
26488 |
Boss you make a valid point , but if we get a (7) |
papa nasty |
05/23/2016 7:05:18 AM |
26487 |
Not to get off topic ,I will bring it around in a (5) |
BossStock |
05/22/2016 10:13:25 PM |
26485 |
It's sad that law enforcement doesn't care about (4) |
TheNewGuy66 |
05/22/2016 1:43:10 PM |
26484 |
sad thing about it is that there are so many like (2) |
BobLeeUU |
05/22/2016 1:31:44 PM |
26483 |
Poor troyal doesn't like being called on his (3) |
TheNewGuy66 |
05/22/2016 1:05:09 PM |
26482 |
Lol...great show that was! (1) |
Dischino |
05/21/2016 12:05:29 PM |
26481 |
Think I heard it, sounds like this: (2) |
Carsmax177 |
05/21/2016 11:57:26 AM |
26480 |
Seems to be some POOFING going on around here? (2) |
Dischino |
05/21/2016 11:22:17 AM |
26478 |
Great 10Q when you consider what an incredible (5) |
Rodeoup |
05/21/2016 3:10:13 AM |
26477 |
There was allot of info, more than I have seen on (3) |
BobLeeUU |
05/20/2016 9:07:39 PM |
26476 |
I thought this was interesting: Following the (6) |
Carsmax177 |
05/20/2016 7:47:41 PM |
26475 |
Had my 1st stock buy 3 years ago today! Happy (5) |
Raptor |
05/20/2016 5:34:52 PM |
26474 |
It just confirms for me that Baltia is not a scam (9) |
BobLeeUU |
05/20/2016 5:30:38 PM |
26473 |
Anything Interesting in the 10Q ?? (3) |
randman |
05/20/2016 3:46:11 PM |
26472 |
Gang Bangers do not have a voice here. It may (5) |
Dischino |
05/20/2016 3:19:43 PM |
26471 |
10Q posted today (5) |
Sam |
05/20/2016 3:19:38 PM |
26470 |
Say what? (5) |
Dischino |
05/20/2016 2:39:37 PM |
26468 |
Nobody Here to take out the Trash (3) |
randman |
05/20/2016 2:30:24 PM |
26465 |
Is there a meeting somewhere that I missed? Are (3) |
jonthezman |
05/20/2016 12:18:01 PM |
26459 |
Are they still whining over there? Too (5) |
Dischino |
05/19/2016 12:56:55 PM |
26458 |
I am so happy jw sold and lost money lol lol lol (12) |
papa nasty |
05/19/2016 12:46:48 PM |