27961 |
New Blog Update from Andi about the phones (3) |
OceanGrover11 |
06/14/2019 1:46:16 PM |
28415 |
Michael Gene McDonald 13767 S Wingfield Cir (7) |
INV33 |
07/19/2019 4:15:13 PM |
28426 |
We invested into the idea of an up and coming (7) |
Stewy_33 |
07/20/2019 8:28:36 AM |
14122 |
I always search 'utopyatech' and view latest to |
CentYoda |
08/26/2018 7:56:16 AM |
14121 |
Yes Really!!! If this was a pump you would think |
TopDog52 |
08/26/2018 7:47:35 AM |
14120 |
Thank You because I typed in ACI and that one did |
TopDog52 |
08/26/2018 7:41:17 AM |
14119 |
Someones taking it to a whole new (3) |
Schwa313 |
08/26/2018 7:33:22 AM |
14118 |
https://twitter.com/ACI61982549/status/1033575214 (1) |
CentYoda |
08/26/2018 7:18:21 AM |
14117 |
Please share link as I can not find |
TopDog52 |
08/26/2018 7:12:50 AM |
14116 |
ACI just tweeted utopyatech, 'look forward to |
CentYoda |
08/26/2018 6:58:34 AM |
14115 |
Now that would be fall out of your chair news! |
Stewy_33 |
08/26/2018 6:54:15 AM |
14114 |
Yep yep. ANDI Dufrane is currently in the tunnel |
CDubalicious |
08/26/2018 3:52:29 AM |
14113 |
Acicell, do you mean the indonesian phone |
Pluchke |
08/26/2018 3:21:11 AM |
14111 |
WeWi/W.A.R.C should not be underestimated. Just (1) |
OceanGrover11 |
08/26/2018 12:42:13 AM |
14110 |
Ha. Now that would be a nuke! |
Gaardo |
08/25/2018 11:17:14 PM |
14109 |
Might be because ACI is a startup also and the |
Golfguy1ar |
08/25/2018 11:09:59 PM |
14108 |
ACI: Amazon Cellular Incorporated? |
Gail mm |
08/25/2018 11:04:35 PM |
14107 |
Interesting. The last one I got was written |
Gaardo |
08/25/2018 10:30:53 PM |
14106 |
I have been told the latest replies have been |
Golfguy1ar |
08/25/2018 10:10:25 PM |
14105 |
Im speculating Utopya is ignoring the company |
Stewy_33 |
08/25/2018 10:02:08 PM |
14104 |
I'm just curious why Utopya hasn't put out |
JackBurton |
08/25/2018 9:44:14 PM |
14103 |
You are correct. There are so many |
Schwa313 |
08/25/2018 9:23:01 PM |
14102 |
pardon the grammar, Im really excited about (1) |
themightycy |
08/25/2018 9:15:12 PM |
14101 |
We bought a new TV and never heard of the brand |
Skydent |
08/25/2018 9:12:26 PM |
14100 |
I like to also interject Hans Vestberg is the new |
themightycy |
08/25/2018 9:06:46 PM |
14099 |
What else would I use Stooge and emz are already |
TopDog52 |
08/25/2018 9:04:32 PM |
14098 |
I don't care about the 100 Million. What I care |
TopDog52 |
08/25/2018 9:02:15 PM |
14097 |
I AGREE ! ,, MR. GREEN did not get involved to |
rwh01 |
08/25/2018 8:57:22 PM |
14096 |
I have my doubts about this whole ACI cell thing. (1) |
Schwa313 |
08/25/2018 8:45:53 PM |
14095 |
Bro, you really use TopDog in your email ? |
08/25/2018 8:38:02 PM |
14094 |
I think this ACI thing is fake.. just some guy |
Gail mm |
08/25/2018 8:36:24 PM |
14093 |
We need to ask if they have been selling In Other |
Jrossco |
08/25/2018 8:34:49 PM |
14092 |
assuming it's legit. why can't I find anything |
CentYoda |
08/25/2018 8:30:06 PM |
14091 |
Remember, it's not just the phones, they |
08/25/2018 8:12:30 PM |
14090 |
black Fridays in utopya be |
Gail mm |
08/25/2018 7:58:11 PM |
14089 |
TD I'm not sure where we go with this if it |
08/25/2018 7:53:49 PM |
14088 |
The Utopya name and products need to be out way |
Stewy_33 |
08/25/2018 7:49:50 PM |
14087 |
I just sent this to Jason, Daryl and Utopya Tech |
TopDog52 |
08/25/2018 7:38:57 PM |
14086 |
Normal? What is normal? To quote the late great |
3 Stooges |
08/25/2018 7:33:40 PM |
14085 |
especially in the Midwest......we would need to |
mathew633 |
08/25/2018 7:28:41 PM |
14084 |
400,000 phones in one day would be a |
08/25/2018 5:51:38 PM |
14083 |
What if they are waiting until black friday. |
Skydent |
08/25/2018 5:16:19 PM |
14082 |
I guess a government contract is always a |
Gail mm |
08/25/2018 5:04:37 PM |
14081 |
good honest investor mentality right there. the |
08/25/2018 4:42:46 PM |
14080 |
IDK Stooge is great fun, although... some days I (1) |
Stewy_33 |
08/25/2018 3:41:23 PM |
14079 |
Straight talking this and meaning this in a (3) |
Stewy_33 |
08/25/2018 3:32:28 PM |
14078 |
You also forgot to add what if Stooge was normal. (1) |
TopDog52 |
08/25/2018 3:23:50 PM |
14077 |
It probably already has, imo. |
CentYoda |
08/25/2018 3:05:38 PM |
14076 |
Im emz and I approve this (1) |
emz |
08/25/2018 3:01:49 PM |
14075 |
LinkedIn. A lot of communication between Ian (2) |
Schwa313 |
08/25/2018 1:12:29 PM |
14074 |
I wished it didn't have to be a LOL |
mathew633 |
08/25/2018 12:53:04 PM |
14073 |
You forgot to list "what if ANDI/UTOP does |
Geezy |
08/25/2018 12:49:17 PM |