Jake13, it is my effort to provide factual informa
Post# of 136
I am trying to determine if the new CEO of GESI, Brad Dautremont, is also working with Bruce Pollock, Kenny Davidson and Craig Huffman. I have strong information that Brad is speaking with Muscleshoals.
Muscleshoals and others including myself and the PPM holders still have a load of shares to sell. The kicker is the stock price needs to be above $0.01 before a brokerage will touch it.
Based upon information that I obtained, I believe that Muscleshoals was trying to work with Gordon Mackay earlier this year regarding a bs promo. I believe that the plan was to file for the permit to build with Sturgeon County, because the simple act of filing for the permit would have appeared and the County's website. I believe that a promo was going to be ran simply using this link to give the appearance of a verifiable effort to build the facility. I received information the Muscelshoals was trying to persuade and independent investor to pay approx $50k for this promo. It is my belief that the intent was simply to make this filing for the permit to be used in the promo while already knowing that the county would not approve it. This is what I believed to be the case based upon information and conversations that I was able to make.
My attempts to share this information on the GESI board were stifled, as Muscleshoals would remove every such post. Thus, the reason that I created this private board. Muscleshoals now spends the majority of his day filling this board up with spam and off topic, vulgar and threatening posts.
I by no means make any recommendation for anyone to buy or sell any stock. But I personally believe that potential investors of GESI should know this information.
Is Bruce Pollock, Kenny Davidson, Craig Huffman, Gordon Mackay and Muscleshoals involved with this new direction of GESI? I believe that they all still maintain a shit load of shares. Is Brad Dautremont working with these same people? I believe that it is vital to determine if so.