Investor Alert - TRTC Uncertainty Risks To Know !!
Post# of 144897

Alert- TRTC Uncertainty Risks To Know !!
Terra Tech Corp. – USA ( Ticker : TRTC )
Introduction & Intentions :
As a mainly Nasdaq Investor with a portfolio of 9 Stocks,
where TRTC & GWPH for the MJ Field is part of it, I’m
requesting transparencies and detailed information’s
from Companies Sides, without myself to press and
need to insist too much or even need to ask the
SEC for help as by TRTC’s refusals necessary.
As Following Listed Facts & Considerations :
1. Starting by some PR History of 2012 !!
TRTC by PR informed, that they will merge by purchasing
as acquisition with the two 40 Years old successful Family
owned NB Plants / Edible Garden and Gro-Rite Companies
in NJ of the Vande Vredes Family where they provide the
Know- How and TRTC the Capital for the merger. Sounds
OK if not the Reality did show and prove the contrary !
Even until today there is no interview of Derek Peterson
TRTC CEO & Owner where He is not declared as former
clever “Wall Street - Morgan Stanley, Etc. Men” to show
the difference to other Penny Stocks Companies and it
works well for receiving Trust if not the Reality Results
would create so many Questions as by the following !!
2. The Faked TRTC and Edible Garden Merger !!
Originally by PRs they declared NB Plants / Edible Garden
as one and the same Company which resulting as naturally
is selling its Products declared by Edible Garden as brand.
Fine, everybody can understand this commonsense matter,
if after the Merger would not have surfaced SEC deposited
Cooperation Contracts with NB Plants & Gro-Rite where at
the time of merger by TRTC PRs was informed, that based
on the financial circumstances decided to purchase first NB
Plants / Edible Garden Company as the main and bigger of
the two and with Gro-Rite will do Cooperation Contracts for
in the meantime until later TRTC decides to purchase Gro-Rite
also, which at any moment when needed could been done.
Resulting many Investors wondering, if they did Merger with
NB Plants by acquisition, then what for Cooperation Contracts
they could have done even without any Merger or increasing
the Stocks Count drastically as from 82 Mn in 2012 to about
250 Mn in 2013 if all Stocks Sold as at SEC Registered !
All this only for 10 % Commission and for this need to do
the same Job for the same Money % as any Accountant Office
would do, but without as TRTC also does and responsible for
Collecting Money From Clients maybe not willing to pay for
the delivered Products !!
For what for really that huge Stock Count increase, where
Derek is always repeating “To Preserve Investors Interests”,
we will see by the facts as following explained.
What It Means Faked Merger is seen here, where there is a so
called or just declared Merger quickly constructed and that at
April 9, 2013 Gov.-Registration Fee of only $ 125.- and by a
Capital of only $ 75 K as 12,000 Company’s Shares and for
this by TRTC they received over 41 Mn Common Stocks for the
Value of about $ 40 Mn 533x more !! Big Surprise, Or Not ??
See here Below the Links which Officially Proving It All :
Edible Garden Corp. / Company Registration - April 9, 2013
Edible Garden Corp. as an Empty Shell Mailbox- Company Without
Production- Buildings or Productions with its Address at an NV
Agency for the only Purpose to Fake the TRTC Merger and
without any Edible Garden Trademark as Brand at time and
any Edible Garden Company did also never before exist !!
TRTC Merger April 24, 2013 by TRTC Merger PR April 25, 2013 :
NB Plants - NJ / Company Registration :
Owned to 100% by the Vande Vrede Family !
Gro-Rite - NJ / Company Registration :
Owned to 100% by the Vande Vrede Family !
Resulting, beside the Faked Edible Garden Corp. ,
TRTC Owns Nothing From The Vande Vrede Family !!
Many Investors also wondering if Derek is such a “Wall Street Men”
why not having the financing as from Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo,
Etc. such instead sucking the Investors by higher Stock Counts ??
As Investor if you now really feel screwed its understandable,
but regrettably there is more to come as following.
3. About “Edible Garden” Brand as Trademark !!
Edible Garden Trademark Registration - Filing Date February 19, 2013
of a Word Trademark by the official protest publication as without
any protests already made :
TRTC - Edible Garden Trademark Reg. - Filing Date October 11, 2013
of a Word & Picture Trademark, by the official publication for any
may possible protest not yet made :
Edible Garden is a weak principally not so protect-able
Trademark or Brand, because the two words are natural
commonly used words and not of any intellectual origin !
( Not as strong as intellectually invented „Pepsi “ or „Coke“ )
It means, because not a strong TRTC Trademark and they
say like to create a „National Brand“, that about anybody
could use the same and they could not do much about it !
Now we need to consider, that TRTC did above Word Trademark
„Edible Garden“ of February 19, 2013 use to register a company
by the name „Edible Garden Corp.“ . This is a classical Trademark
infringement which by any possible Lawsuit against TRTC by usual
US Standards could cost TRTC between $ 200 - 500 Mn !!
All of this because the stupid Vande Vrede Family did for over
40 Years of Business, as they say, just forget about the simple
Trademark Registration which usually does not cost more than
about $ 1000.- if made by some Trademark & Patent Attorney !
4. Dhar Mann Lawsuit against Peterson & GrowOp Ltd. !!
In July 2012 Dhar Mann & Peterson by two publications they
confirmed again to have Freedom & Not Any Disputes between
the two, but at the CA Court the Case never got annulated and
this means Dhar Mann can anytime change his opinion to activate
The Court Case and since not even the very first Court Action in
presence of the Two Parties never was possible to do, means Dhar
Mann could even hand in new claims or evidences as completions
before of any further Court procedure.
We have to remember 2012 where TRTC made a loss of $ 5,8 Mn
and GrowOp just to get rid-off some Equipments and Accessories
sold with 40 - 50 % Discount, means also for Dhar Mann claiming
37 % ownership of GrowOp would beside losses not have provided
him anything, contrary.
But now 2014 and where TRTC Peterson is pumping GrowOp with
anything related to MJ and even the big GrowMass Program and
CBD Nutrition Intems, Etc. all is now by the GrowOp Ltd. and with
some MJ Licenses may come if TRTC is very lucky, then even
more Value to be taken by Dhar Mann would be there for him
to change his mind because need money as chronically as all
heard and the 37 % Ownership could costs TRTC nearly
everything if Court Fees, Attorneys Fees, Etc. considered !
The problem Investor side was mentioned to TRTC, but they
refused even to modify all SEC S-1 Filings as since February
2012 and to apply there just the SEC 10-Q wordings where
not anything about a Dhar Mann Lawsuit is mentioned and
TRTC just confirmed, cannot change this.
5. Annual Guidance & Revenues !!
We know from Alan Brochstein - Derek Peterson‘s first interview,
that NB Plants has 2013 Revenues of $ 7 Mn and according by
SEC Deposited Contract between TRTC & NB Plants, TRTC should
have 100 % of all its Products resulting also 100 % of its Revenue
and thereof TRTC has only a poor Commission of 10 % !
See the link of SEC Deposited Contract TRTC & NB Plants :
Annual guidance for 2013 was poor $ 2 Mn and by the leaked
numbers as beaten declared can expect $ 2,2 - 2,3 Mn !
But take the NB Plants $ 7 Mn and for Quarters divide by 4
it as Av. per Q results to $ 1,75 Mn and by this calculating
2013 Q2 as 65 Days ( by Contract Signing of April 25, 2013
in Effect. ) its about $ 0,6 Mn missing, at Q3 about $ 1 Mn
missing and for Q4 also about $ 1 Mn missing, results to
totally $ 2,6 Mn missing in 2013 more than the annual
Revenue will be showing !!
It was with TRTC discussed, but they did not show any interests
to comment or providing an adequate reply to this topic and
in this calculation is not even considered that a similar TRTC
Contract exist also with the GroRite Company, see below link !
6. Land Leasing for the New TRTC 5-Acre Greenhouse in NJ !!
One must understand under the Conditions as by Derek made
with the Vande Vrede Family, TRTC got not even one square-
foot of Land from them. As also seen by the Land Leasing
Contract at SEC Deposited, its even under very strict conditions
as none of any Trailer or Trucks permitted to pass-by or to
stay or temporarily park there, that any body could only wonder
how they finally take the Products to supply to Clients markets.
Maybe for this TRTC would need also to do an additional
Leasing- or Rent- Contract with them to profit !
7. Executive‘s Shares For New Directors !!
One need also to imagine, TRTC negotiated 4 New Directors
brothers of Vande Vrede Family and each received additionally
about 9 Mn of Common Stocks resulting to $ 36 Mn Value as
additionally for the faked Crab Company „Edible Garden Corp.“
already far too much Value $ 40 Mn received by the Stock Price
at about $ 1.- ! Until today what did they show that precious ??
This must be some very special relation between Them and
Derek Peterson, maybe by some 50:50 after all ?
8. Question about Stocks Really Issued As Handed to any
Others- or Third- Parties, Not only as optionally at SEC
also registered to fulfill the declaration obligation ??
9. Question to TRTC about the OTC Free- Float Amount ??
10. Questions of Hydroponic Equipments Sales !!
- How many Big-Buds sold ?
- How many Little-Buds sold ?
- How many Bloom-Rooms sold ?
11. Check Attachments of any SEC S-1 Filings !!
Because there you can find by some Lists with
PRs publishing dates, where any PR after published
by SEC declaration get Nullified and Voided and
explained that form these mentioned PRs could
not been taken any Guaranties or Warranties !!
Means at any PR they can tell what ever and
afterwards it gets by TRTC just deleted and
HOW like this can any Investor believe ??
The Question also made to TRTC, but No Reply !
The present TRTC IR is also only a backyard Company
Joke, principally informing nothing and not so honest
and the proposal to use instead Frost & Sullivan has
by TRTC never been appreciated.
TRTC‘s Investors Meet & Greets are nice gestures,
but this cannot cover or solve the problems here.
12. About TRTC NV MJ- Licensing !!
One of many Conditions The NV State Requests is to
consider only Parties For The MJ- Licensing when they
already Have and Do Pay- Taxes in Nevada State, as
Huge Obstacle TRTC Could Not Overcome, because
before TRTC did not even have Net- Income to pay
taxes from and have instead also Nobody from TRTC
Owner Side as Resident in Nevada State which already
Did and Does Pay- Taxes in Nevada ! Too Bad !!
Playing Tricks as TRTC Derek Peterson likes, do not
always work, As To Expect !
13. TRTC Insider Stocks Selling Did Also Start !!
Profiting from Naïve Investors is the TRTC Game.
Step by Step we can sure see the Stocks Count
climbing to 100 Mn more Up-To the Authorized
Stock Count of 350 Mn. All of this naturally as
now declared To Increase Company‘s Assets
only, But What Assets ?, the Pro- Forma Small
New 5-Acre Greenhouse as Show- Piece $ 6 Mn
Only compare to the $ 76 Mn for Ken Vande
Vrede ( Behind may 50:50 with Derek ) and the
Growing- Contracts Companies Owned by other
Owners not to TRTC related ! Perfect Fooling !!
14. TRTC Is Only Feeding Investors By PRs !!
The Investors themselves, principally as Owners of the
TRTC Company are not allowed by TRTC to ask usual
legitimated Questions, because the Investors should
be satisfied with what ever TRTC will inform by PRs
and any Investor as I did insisting on TRTC Reply as
to All Above Points 1. to 13. Questions & Topics,
get informed by „Please never again applying any
of the Company‘s Email Addresses !“.
Its not normal if for normal questions as herein,
instead need to ask the SEC for help !
Without TRTC Arrogance & Ignorance I would not
have been provoked to dig- deeper to find-out
all the above which is Too Important To Know.
Means from Now, if TRTC, then only by acceptable
Good SEC Declared & Audited Quarters Results !!
( Strange, but many SEC Filings are not Audited. )
To Trust TRTC, Sure Not !!
( End of Report )
For The Happy Investing
PS :
For Any SEC Inquiries Use Only The Below Original Complete
Link With All Filings Attachments and Notices of Effectiveness :
Ken Vande Vrede is the Representative of Vande Vrede Family and
by Paying them 533x more than ever received, they have about
49 % of the Company Shares and over 51 % of Voting Rights,
means Ken is the Boss of Derek and not CEO Derek himself !